package bistro

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

Standard definitions

type nonrec 'a workflow = 'a workflow
type nonrec ('a, 'b) selector = ('a, 'b) selector
class type ['a, 'b] file = object ... end
type 'a directory = [
  1. | `directory of 'a
type 'a zip = ([ `zip of 'a ], [ `binary ]) file
type 'a gz = ([ `gz of 'a ], [ `binary ]) file constraint 'a = [_, _] file
type 'a bz2 = ([ `bz2 of 'a ], [ `binary ]) file constraint 'a = [_, _] file
type 'a tar'gz = ([ `tar'gz of 'a ], [ `binary ]) file
type pdf = ([ `pdf ], [ `text ]) file
type html = ([ `html ], [ `text ]) file
type bash_script = ([ `bash_script ], [ `text ]) file
type png = ([ `png ], [ `binary ]) file
type svg = ([ `png ], [ `text ]) file
class type 'a tabular = object ... end
class type 'a tsv = object ... end
module Unix_tools : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.