package binsec

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Extra functions over strings

val start_with : prefix:string -> string -> bool

start_with ~prefix str check if str starts with prefix

val replace_chars : (char -> string) -> string -> string

replace_chars f s creates a new string where all characters c from s have been replaced by the result of f c

val reverse : string -> string

reverse s creates a new reversed version of s

val filter : (char -> bool) -> string -> string

filter p s creates a copy of s containing the characters of s such that p c = true,

val fold : ('a -> char -> 'a) -> 'a -> string -> 'a

fold f acc s computes (f .... (f (f acc s.1) s.2) .... s.n) where n is String.length s - 1 *

val for_all : (char -> bool) -> string -> bool
val exists : (char -> bool) -> string -> bool
val lfindi : string -> (char -> bool) -> int option

lfindi s p retrieves the first index of a character verifying predicate p. None otherwise

val remove_char : char -> string -> string

remove_char c s creates a copy of s without any occurrence of c

val remove_newline : string -> string

remove_newline s creates a copy of s without the newline character '\n'

val lchop : int -> string -> string

lchop n s removes the first n characters of string s. Does nothing if the s is empty. Returns the empty string if n >= String.length s n must be positive.

val left : int -> string -> string

left n s returns the n leftmost characters of s. n must be positive and smaller than the length of s.

val right : int -> string -> string

right n s returns the n rightmost characters of s. n must be positive and smaller than the length of s.

val size_of_hexstring : string -> int

size_of_hexstring s computes the size in bits of hexadecimal string s. Unsafe function: it does not fully check that s is a valid hexstring.

val contains : string -> string -> bool

contains subs s return true if subs is a substring of s

val split : sep:string -> string -> string list

split ~sep s splits the string s into substrings, taking the string sep as delimiter and returns the list of substrings.

val cli_split : string -> string list

cli_split s is split ~sep:"," s

val char_codes : string -> int array

Character functions

val is_char_printable : char -> bool

is_char_printable c returns true if c is a terminal-printable ASCII character

val is_hex_char : char -> bool

is_hex_char c returns true if c is a character representing a hex number, i.e., 'a'-'z', 'A'-'Z', '0'-'9'.

val to_hex : string -> string

to_hex s return the hexadecimal representation of stored bytes

val pp_hex : Format.formatter -> string -> unit

pp_hex s print the hexadecimal representation of stored bytes


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