package binsec

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type ('dypgen__Binop, 'dypgen__Decl, 'dypgen__Expr, 'dypgen__Instr, 'dypgen__Lex_dquote, 'dypgen__Lex_dquote_Arg_buf, 'dypgen__Lex_quote, 'dypgen__Lex_quote_Arg_buf, 'dypgen__Loc, 'dypgen__Obj, 'dypgen__Obj_accept_newline, 'dypgen__Obj_array, 'dypgen__Obj_attr, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_0, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_1, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_10, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_11, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_12, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_13, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_14, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_15, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_16, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_17, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_18, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_19, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_2, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_20, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_21, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_22, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_23, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_24, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_3, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_4, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_5, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_6, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_7, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_8, 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_9, 'dypgen__Obj_endianness, 'dypgen__Obj_int, 'dypgen__Obj_newline, 'dypgen__Obj_range, 'dypgen__Obj_separator, 'dypgen__Program, 'dypgen__Stmt, 'dypgen__String, 'dypgen__Symbol, 'dypgen__Unop) obj =
  1. | Binop of 'dypgen__Binop
  2. | Decl of 'dypgen__Decl
  3. | Expr of 'dypgen__Expr
  4. | Instr of 'dypgen__Instr
  5. | Lex_dquote of 'dypgen__Lex_dquote
  6. | Lex_dquote_Arg_buf of 'dypgen__Lex_dquote_Arg_buf
  7. | Lex_quote of 'dypgen__Lex_quote
  8. | Lex_quote_Arg_buf of 'dypgen__Lex_quote_Arg_buf
  9. | Lexeme_matched of string
  10. | Loc of 'dypgen__Loc
  11. | Obj of 'dypgen__Obj
  12. | Obj_ABORT
  13. | Obj_AS
  14. | Obj_ASCII
  15. | Obj_ASR
  16. | Obj_ASSERT
  17. | Obj_ASSET
  18. | Obj_ASSUME
  19. | Obj_AT
  20. | Obj_BIN
  21. | Obj_BY
  22. | Obj_CASE
  23. | Obj_CONST of Binsec.Bitvector.t
  24. | Obj_CORE
  25. | Obj_CSTRING
  26. | Obj_CUT
  27. | Obj_DEC
  28. | Obj_DO
  29. | Obj_ELSE
  30. | Obj_END
  31. | Obj_ENUMERATE
  32. | Obj_FILE
  33. | Obj_FOR
  34. | Obj_FORMULA
  35. | Obj_FROM
  36. | Obj_GOTO
  37. | Obj_HALT
  38. | Obj_HEXA
  39. | Obj_IF
  40. | Obj_IMPORT
  41. | Obj_IN
  42. | Obj_INT of string
  43. | Obj_IS
  44. | Obj_JUMP
  45. | Obj_LAST
  46. | Obj_LOAD
  47. | Obj_LSL
  48. | Obj_LSR
  49. | Obj_MODEL
  50. | Obj_NONDET
  51. | Obj_PRINT
  52. | Obj_REACH
  53. | Obj_REPLACE
  54. | Obj_ROL
  55. | Obj_ROR
  56. | Obj_SECTION
  57. | Obj_SECTIONS
  58. | Obj_SEXT of int
  59. | Obj_SIZE
  60. | Obj_STARTING
  61. | Obj_STREAM
  62. | Obj_SUCH
  63. | Obj_THAT
  64. | Obj_THEN
  65. | Obj_TIMES
  66. | Obj_TO
  67. | Obj_UNDEF
  68. | Obj_VALUE
  69. | Obj_WHILE
  70. | Obj_WITH
  71. | Obj_ZEXT of int
  72. | Obj___dypgen_layout
  73. | Obj_accept_newline of 'dypgen__Obj_accept_newline
  74. | Obj_array of 'dypgen__Obj_array
  75. | Obj_attr of 'dypgen__Obj_attr
  76. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_0 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_0
  77. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_1 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_1
  78. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_10 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_10
  79. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_11 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_11
  80. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_12 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_12
  81. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_13 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_13
  82. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_14 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_14
  83. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_15 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_15
  84. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_16 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_16
  85. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_17 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_17
  86. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_18 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_18
  87. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_19 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_19
  88. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_2 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_2
  89. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_20 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_20
  90. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_21 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_21
  91. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_22 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_22
  92. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_23 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_23
  93. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_24 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_24
  94. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_3 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_3
  95. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_4 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_4
  96. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_5 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_5
  97. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_6 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_6
  98. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_7 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_7
  99. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_8 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_8
  100. | Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_9 of 'dypgen__Obj_dypgen__nested_nt_9
  101. | Obj_dypgen__star___stmt of 'dypgen__Stmt list
  102. | Obj_endianness of 'dypgen__Obj_endianness
  103. | Obj_int of 'dypgen__Obj_int
  104. | Obj_newline of 'dypgen__Obj_newline
  105. | Obj_range of 'dypgen__Obj_range
  106. | Obj_separator of 'dypgen__Obj_separator
  107. | Program of 'dypgen__Program
  108. | Stmt of 'dypgen__Stmt
  109. | String of 'dypgen__String
  110. | Symbol of 'dypgen__Symbol
  111. | Unop of 'dypgen__Unop
  112. | Dypgen__dummy_obj_cons
val pp : unit -> (unit, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t, 'a, Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t, unit, Buffer.t, unit, Buffer.t, Binsec.Ast.Loc.t Binsec.Ast.loc, 'b, unit, string option, Binsec.Dba.Var.Tag.attribute, Binsec.Dba.Var.Tag.attribute, Binsec.Dba.Var.Tag.attribute option, ((Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t) * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc) list, Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc) list, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc) list, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list list, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list list, Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list) list, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list) list, Z.t, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list option, string, string option, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list list, Z.t option, Binsec.Machine.endianness, Binsec.Machine.endianness option, Z.t, Z.t option, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t) * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc, ((Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t) * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc) list, Binsec.Machine.endianness, Z.t, unit, int Binsec.Interval.t, unit, 'c, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list, string, Binsec.Ast.Symbol.t Binsec.Ast.loc, Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t) obj, unit, unit, 'd Dyp.dyplexbuf) Dyp.parser_pilot
val stmts : ?global_data:unit -> ?local_data:unit -> (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t, 'a, Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t, unit, Buffer.t, unit, Buffer.t, Binsec.Ast.Loc.t Binsec.Ast.loc, 'b, unit, string option, Binsec.Dba.Var.Tag.attribute, Binsec.Dba.Var.Tag.attribute, Binsec.Dba.Var.Tag.attribute option, ((Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t) * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc) list, Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc) list, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc) list, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list list, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list list, Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list) list, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc * Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list) list, Z.t, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list option, string, string option, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list list, Z.t option, Binsec.Machine.endianness, Binsec.Machine.endianness option, Z.t, Z.t option, (Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t) * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc, ((Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t) * Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc) list, Binsec.Machine.endianness, Z.t, unit, int Binsec.Interval.t, unit, 'c, Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list, string, Binsec.Ast.Symbol.t Binsec.Ast.loc, Binsec.Ast.Expr.t Binsec.Ast.loc -> Binsec.Ast.Expr.t) obj Dyp.dyplexbuf -> (Binsec.Ast.Instr.t list * string) list

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