package benchmark

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
type t

A (possibly empty) tree of benchmarks. Individual benchmarks (i.e., calls to throughputN, latencyN, etc. wrapped with (>:)) can appear at any node of the tree. The edges are annotated with strings, and paths (see path) are used to select subtrees.

val (@>) : string -> samples Lazy.t -> t

name @> bench returns a (named) node of the benchmark tree. If evaluated, it simply returns samples (for instance using throughputN). If the name contains dots, it is interpreted as a path. For examle "a.b" @> bench is equivalent to "a" @>> "b" @> bench.

Example (the lazy thunk is used to hide initialization code):

  "sort" >: lazy
    (let a = Array.init 1_000_000 (fun i -> i) in
     Benchmark.throughput1 18 (Array.sort compare) a
) ;;
val (@>>) : string -> t -> t

name @>> tree makes tree accessible through the given name, i.e., prefix all paths in the tree by name. It has no effect if name = "". If the name contains dots, it is interpreted as a path. For instance "n1.n2" @>> tree is equivalent to "n1" @>> "n2" @>> tree and adds the path [n1;n2] as a prefix to the tree.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    is the name is invalid. At least names corresponding to OCaml identifiers are valid.

val concat : t list -> t

Merge the given trees (recursively). Merging proceeds by taking the union of all path heads in the list, and, for each such string x, merging recursively all subtrees reachable under x.

For instance merging the trees a.{b, c}, a.b.d and {a.d, foo} will give the tree {a.(b, b.d, c, d}, d}.

val (@>>>) : string -> t list -> t

name @>>> l is equivalent to name @>> concat l. It names a list of trees, and is useful to build lists of benchmarks related to some common topic. If the name contains dots, it is interpreted as a path.

  • raises Invalid_argument

    is the name is invalid. At least names corresponding to OCaml identifiers are valid.

val with_int : (int -> t) -> int list -> t

with_int f l parametrize trees with several integer values (e.g. a size). The tree f i is prefixed with the label i.

val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Print the tree of benchmarks (its structure) on the given formatter. Useful in combination with the path argument of run


type path = string list

A path in a tree, pointing at a subtree.

val print_path : Format.formatter -> path -> unit
val parse_path : string -> path

Split a string into a path at the "." separators. Example: parse_path "a.b.c" returns ["a"; "b"; "c"].

val prefix : path -> t -> t

Add the path as a prefix to the tree, similar to repeated calls to @>>.

val filter : path -> t -> t

filter p t return the tree obtained by keeping all the paths in t that match the path p. Empty components "" in the middle of the path are ignored. Empty components "" at the end of the path return only the benchmarks at that level (i.e., one discards the benchmarks pointed by paths of which p is a strict prefix). The special path component "*" selects all subtrees at that level (it acts as a wildcard).


type arg_state
val arg : unit -> arg_state * (Arg.key * Arg.spec * Arg.doc) list

arg () returns (arg, specs) where arg is a state coming from parsing the command line using specs. The options are:

  • "--path" or "-p" to add a sub-tree of benchmarks;
  • "--tree" to print the tree of benchmarks;
  • "--all" or "-a" to run all paths in the tree. Note that the default state runs all benchmarks. You need to use something like Arg.parse (specs @ more_specs) ... to make the above arguments available to the program user.
val run : ?with_gc:bool -> ?arg:arg_state -> ?paths:path list -> ?out:Format.formatter -> t -> unit

run t runs all benchmarks of t and print the results to fmt.

  • parameter with_gc

    if true, will print GC statistics as well (Default: true)

  • parameter paths

    if provided, only the sub-trees corresponding to these path is executed. Default: execute everything.

  • parameter out

    The formatter on which to print the output. Default: Format.std_formatter.

  • parameter arg

    use the result of the command line parsing to direct the run. Default: run all paths in path

Global Registration

val global : unit -> t

Global tree, built from calls to register. It is useful to centralize all benchmarks at one place to, then, run them all

val register : t -> unit

Register a benchmark to the global registry of benchmarks.

val run_global : ?argv:string array -> ?out:Format.formatter -> unit -> unit

Same as run on the global tree of benchmarks and parsing the command line arguments from argv (which is Sys.argv by default).


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