package bddapron

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
val of_apronexpr : ('a, [> 'a Env.typ ] as 'b, [> 'a Env.typdef ] as 'c, 'd) Env.O.t -> ('a, ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Env.O.t) Cond.O.t -> 'a Apronexpr.Condition.t -> Cudd.Bdd.vt
val of_condition : ('a, [> 'a Env.typ ] as 'b, [> 'a Env.typdef ] as 'c, 'd) Env.O.t -> ('a, ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Env.O.t) Cond.O.t -> [< `Bool of bool | `Cond of 'a Apronexpr.Condition.t ] -> Cudd.Bdd.vt
val make : ('a, [> 'a Env.typ ] as 'b, [> 'a Env.typdef ] as 'c, 'd) Env.O.t -> ('a, ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Env.O.t) Cond.O.t -> Apronexpr.Condition.typ -> 'a t -> Cudd.Bdd.vt
val supeq : ('a, [> 'a Env.typ ] as 'b, [> 'a Env.typdef ] as 'c, 'd) Env.O.t -> ('a, ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Env.O.t) Cond.O.t -> 'a t -> Cudd.Bdd.vt
val sup : ('a, [> 'a Env.typ ] as 'b, [> 'a Env.typdef ] as 'c, 'd) Env.O.t -> ('a, ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Env.O.t) Cond.O.t -> 'a t -> Cudd.Bdd.vt
val eq : ('a, [> 'a Env.typ ] as 'b, [> 'a Env.typdef ] as 'c, 'd) Env.O.t -> ('a, ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Env.O.t) Cond.O.t -> 'a t -> Cudd.Bdd.vt
val substitute : ('a, [> 'a Env.typ ] as 'b, [> 'a Env.typdef ] as 'c, 'd) Env.O.t -> ('a, ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) Env.O.t) Cond.O.t -> 'a Apronexpr.Condition.t -> ('a, [> `Apron of 'a t ]) PMappe.t -> Cudd.Bdd.vt