package base_trie

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module type Impl0 = sig ... end
module type Impl1 = sig ... end
module type Listable0 = sig ... end
module type Listable1 = sig ... end
type ('iter, 'seq, 'elt, 'idx) t = private (module Impl0 with type elt = 'elt and type seq = 'seq and type t = 'iter)

Represents an iterator implementation. Iterators have type 'iter. They iterate over sequential collections of type 'seq containing elements of type 'elt. The implementation is identified by the phantom type 'idx.

module type S0 = sig ... end
module type S1 = sig ... end

Accessors into the implementation of an iterator.

val start : ('iter, 'seq, _, _) t -> 'seq -> 'iter
val is_finished : ('iter, 'seq, _, _) t -> 'iter -> 'seq -> Base.bool
val get_exn : ('iter, 'seq, 'elt, _) t -> 'iter -> 'seq -> 'elt
val next_exn : ('iter, 'seq, _, _) t -> 'iter -> 'seq -> 'iter

Modules and functors for constructing iterators.

module Make1 (Impl : Impl1) : S1 with type 'a t = 'a Impl.t and type 'a seq = 'a Impl.seq and type 'a elt = 'a Impl.elt
module Make0 (Impl : Impl0) : S0 with type t = Impl.t and type seq = Impl.seq and type elt = Impl.elt
module Monomorphic (Iterator : S1) (Elt : Base.T) : S0 with type t = Elt.t Iterator.t and type seq = Elt.t Iterator.seq and type elt = Elt.t Iterator.elt and type iterator_witness = Iterator.iterator_witness
module Of_string : S0 with type seq = Base.string and type elt = Base.char
module Of_list : S1 with type 'a seq = 'a Base.list and type 'a elt = 'a
module Of_listable0 (Seq : Listable0) : S0 with type seq = Seq.t and type elt = Seq.elt
module Of_listable1 (Seq : Listable1) : S1 with type 'a seq = 'a Seq.t and type 'a elt = 'a Seq.elt

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