package bap-std
since in IR the order of edges defines semantics, we provide extra functions
include Graphlib.Std.Edge
with type graph = t
and type node = node
and type t = edge
type t = edge
type node = node
type graph = t
val comparator : (t, comparator_witness) Base__Comparator.comparator
module Replace_polymorphic_compare : sig ... end
module Map : sig ... end
module Set : sig ... end
val hash_fold_t :
Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.state ->
t ->
val hash : t -> Ppx_hash_lib.Std.Hash.hash_value
val hashable : t Core_kernel__.Hashtbl.Hashable.t
module Table : sig ... end
module Hash_set : sig ... end
module Hash_queue : sig ... end
jmps dir e g
enumerates all jumps (including calls, interrupts, indirects, etc), that occurs before if dir = `before
or after if dir = `after
an edge e
edges dir e g
enumerates all edges occurring before of after an edge e
in graph g
cond e g
computes a condition expression that is asserted to be true
if this branch is taken.
Note: this is not the same as a condition associated with the jmp term itself, it takes into account all conditions preceding the edge.
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"
x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)"