package bap-std

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

BAP Common Graphs.

This module contains several graph structures, that are used across BAP.

The idiomatic use case is to bind the chosen graph to a shorter name and use it as a first class module with different functions in graphlib library, e.g.,

module G = Graphs.Cfg

let insns cfg =
  Graphlib.reverse_postorder_traverse (module G) cfg |> ~f:Block.insns |>
  Seq.concat_map ~f:Seq.of_list
module Cfg : Graphlib.Std.Graph with type t = cfg and type node = block and type Edge.label = edge

Control Flow Graph with a machine basic block as a node.

module Callgraph : Graphlib.Std.Graph with type node = tid and type Node.label = tid and type Edge.label = jmp term list

A call graph representation. In this representations, nodes are identifiers of subroutine terms, and edges, representing calls, are marked with a list of callsites, where callsite is denoted by a jump term.

module Ir : sig ... end

Graph view over IR.

module Tid : sig ... end

Graph of Term identifiers.


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