package bap-core-theory

  1. Overview
  2. Docs

The theory of floating point numbers modulo transcendental functions.

This signature includes several functions that can be expressed in terms of a finite sequence of the operations of addition, multiplication, and root extraction. Despite the fact, that those operation are defined in the Basic Theory of Floating points (Fbasic), operations in this signature couldn't be expressed in terms of Fbasic because the set of floating points is finite. Therefore the operations in this signature are defined in terms of real numbers arithmetic.

For example, the following expression is not true for all x,y,m:

fmul m x (fmul m x x) = pown m x (succ (succ one)),

E.g., when fmul m x x is not denoted with x^2, but the number that is closest to x^2 with respect to the rounding mode m.

include Fbasic
val float : ('r, 's) format Float.t Value.sort -> 's bitv -> ('r, 's) format float

float s x interprets x as a floating point number.

val fbits : ('r, 's) format float -> 's bitv

fbits x is a bitvector representation of the floating point number x.

val is_finite : 'f float -> bool

is_finite x holds if x represents a finite number.

A floating point number is finite if it represents a number from the set of real numbers R.

The predicate always holds for formats in which only finite floating point numbers are representable.

val is_nan : 'f float -> bool

is_nan x holds if x represents a not-a-number.

A floating point value is not-a-number if it is neither finite nor infinite number.

The predicated never holds for formats that represent only numbers.

val is_inf : 'f float -> bool

is_inf x holds if x represents an infinite number.

Never holds for formats in which infinite numbers are not representable.

val is_fzero : 'f float -> bool

is_fzero x holds if x represents a zero.

val is_fpos : 'f float -> bool

is_fpos x holds if x represents a positive number.

The denotation is not defined if x represents zero.

val is_fneg : 'f float -> bool

is_fneg x hold if x represents a negative number.

The denotation is not defined if x represents zero.

Rounding modes

Many operations in the Theory of Floating Point numbers are defined using the rounding mode parameter.

The rounding mode gives a precise meaning to the phrase "the closest floating point number to x", where x is a real number. When x is not representable by the given format, some other number x' is selected based on rules of the rounding mode.

val rne : rmode

rounding to nearest, ties to even.

The denotation is the floating point number nearest to the denoted real number. If the two nearest numbers are equally close, then the one with an even least significant digit shall be selected. The denotation is not defined, if both numbers have an even least significant digit.

val rna : rmode

rounding to nearest, ties away.

The denotation is the floating point number nearest to the denoted real number. If the two nearest numbers are equally close, then the one with larger magnitude shall be selected.

val rtp : rmode

rounding towards positive.

The denotation is the floating point number that is nearest but no less than the denoted real number.

val rtn : rmode

rounding towards negative.

The denotation is the floating point number that is nearest but not greater than the denoted real number.

val rtz : rmode

rounding towards zero.

The denotation is the floating point number that is nearest but not greater in magnitude than the denoted real number.

val requal : rmode -> rmode -> bool

requal x y holds if rounding modes are equal.

val cast_float : 'f Float.t Value.sort -> rmode -> 'a bitv -> 'f float

cast_float s m x is the closest to x floating number of sort s.

The bitvector x is interpreted as an unsigned integer in the two-complement form.

val cast_sfloat : 'f Float.t Value.sort -> rmode -> 'a bitv -> 'f float

cast_sfloat s rm x is the closest to x floating point number of sort x.

The bitvector x is interpreted as a signed integer in the two-complement form.

val cast_int : 'a Bitv.t Value.sort -> rmode -> 'f float -> 'a bitv

cast_int s rm x returns an integer closest to x.

The resulting bitvector should be interpreted as an unsigned two-complement integer.

val cast_sint : 'a Bitv.t Value.sort -> rmode -> 'f float -> 'a bitv

cast_sint s rm x returns an integer closest to x.

The resulting bitvector should be interpreted as a signed two-complement integer.

val fneg : 'f float -> 'f float

fneg x is -x

val fabs : 'f float -> 'f float

fabs x the absolute value of x.

val fadd : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float -> 'f float

fadd m x y is the floating point number closest to x+y.

val fsub : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float -> 'f float

fsub m x y is the floating point number closest to x-y.

val fmul : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float -> 'f float

fmul m x y is the floating point number closest to x*y.

val fdiv : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float -> 'f float

fdiv m x y is the floating point number closest to x/y.

val fsqrt : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float

fsqrt m x is the floating point number closest to sqrt x.

The denotation is not defined if

val fmodulo : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float -> 'f float

fdiv m x y is the floating point number closest to the remainder of x/y.

val fmad : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float -> 'f float -> 'f float

fmad m x y z is the floating point number closest to x * y + z.

val fround : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float

fround m x is the floating point number closest to x rounded to an integral, using the rounding mode m.

val fconvert : 'f Float.t Value.sort -> rmode -> _ float -> 'f float

fconvert f r x is the closest to x floating number in format f.

val fsucc : 'f float -> 'f float

fsucc m x is the least floating point number representable in (sort x) that is greater than x.

val fpred : 'f float -> 'f float

fsucc m x is the greatest floating point number representable in (sort x) that is less than x.

val forder : 'f float -> 'f float -> bool

forder x y holds if floating point number x is less than y.

The denotation is not defined if either of arguments do not represent a floating point number.

val pow : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float -> 'f float

pow m b a is a floating point number closest to b^a.

Where b^a is b raised to the power of a.

Values, such as 0^0, as well as 1^infinity and infinity^1 in formats that have a representation for infinity, are not defined.

val compound : rmode -> 'f float -> 'a bitv -> 'f float

compound m x n is the floating point number closest to (1+x)^n.

Where b^a is b raised to the power of a.

The denotation is not defined if x is less than -1, or if x is n represent zeros, or if x doesn't represent a finite floating point number.

val rootn : rmode -> 'f float -> 'a bitv -> 'f float

rootn m x n is the floating point number closest to x^(1/n).

Where b^a is b raised to the power of a.

The denotation is not defined if:

  • n is zero;
  • x is zero and n is less than zero;
  • x is not a finite floating point number;
val pown : rmode -> 'f float -> 'a bitv -> 'f float

pown m x n is the floating point number closest to x^n.

Where b^a is b raised to the power of a.

The denotation is not defined if x and n both represent zero or if x doesn't represent a finite floating point number.

val rsqrt : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float

rsqrt m x is the closest floating point number to 1 / sqrt x.

The denotation is not defined if x is less than or equal to zero or doesn't represent a finite floating point number.

val hypot : rmode -> 'f float -> 'f float -> 'f float

hypot m x y is the closest floating point number to sqrt(x^2 + y^2).

The denotation is not defined if x or y do not represent finite floating point numbers.


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