package balancer

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module type S = sig ... end
module type Fanout = sig ... end
module type Checksum = sig ... end
module P2C : S with type param = unit and type state = Serverset.LoadedNodes.t and type peer = Serverset.LoadedNode.t
module CHash (C : Checksum) : S with type param = Cstruct.t and type state = Serverset.Nodes.t and type peer = Node.t
module CHashLeastLoaded (C : Checksum) (F : Fanout) : S with type param = Cstruct.t and type state = Serverset.LoadedNodes.t and type peer = Serverset.LoadedNode.t
module RoundRobin : S with type param = unit and type state = Serverset.RRQueue.t and type peer = Node.t
module P2C_PKG (C1 : Checksum) (C2 : Checksum) : S with type param = Cstruct.t and type state = Serverset.LoadedNodes.t and type peer = Serverset.LoadedNode.t

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