package b0

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

Editor interaction.

Environment variables

module Env : sig ... end

Environment variables.

val envs : unit -> list

envs () describe the VISUAL and EDITOR environment variables.


val find : ?win_exe:bool -> ?search:B0_std.Fpath.t list -> unit -> (B0_std.Cmd.t option, string) result

find ?win_exe ?search () finds a suitable editor. This is (in order):

  1. Ok (Some pager) if pager is a tool invocation parsed from the VISUAL environment variable that can be found via Os.Cmd.find ?search.
  2. Ok (Some pager) if pager is a tool invocation parsed from the EDITOR environment variable that can be found via Os.Cmd.find ?win_exe ?search.
  3. Ok (Some pager) if nano can be found via Os.Cmd.find ?win_exe ?search.
  4. Ok None otherwise.
val edit_files : B0_std.Cmd.t option -> B0_std.Fpath.t list -> (B0_std.Os.Cmd.status, string) result

edit-files editor fs uses editor to edit the files fs. If editor is:

  • None, an error message is returned mentioning that no editor was found.
  • Some editor invokes the command with files fs and returns the exit status of the program.

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