package aws-s3

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t
val init : (?content_type:string -> ?content_encoding:(string * string) -> ?acl:string -> ?cache_control:string -> bucket:string -> key:string -> unit -> t result) command

Initialize multipart upload

val upload_part : (t -> part_number:int -> data:string -> unit -> unit result) command

Upload a part of the file. All parts except the last part must be at least 5Mb big. All parts must have a unique part number. The final file will be assembled from all parts ordered by part number

val copy_part : (t -> part_number:int -> ?range:(int * int) -> bucket:string -> key:string -> unit -> unit result) command

Specify a part as a copy of an existing object in S3.

val complete : (t -> unit -> string result) command

Complete a multipart upload. The returned string is an opaque identifier used as etag

val abort : (t -> unit -> unit result) command

Abort a multipart upload. This also discards all uploaded parts.


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