package atdj
Dune Dependency
MMartin Jambon <>
RRudi Grinberg <>
MMartin Jambon <>
MMartin Jambon <>
IIvan Jager <>
Ooleksiy <>
DDavid Sheets <>
RRudi Grinberg <>
MMartin Jambon <>
JJeff Meister <>
CCaio Wakamatsu <>
CCarmelo Piccione <>
DDaniel Weil <>
EEgor Chemokhonenko <>
Gabriel Scherer
RRaman Varabets <>
Ttzm <>
MMathieu Baudet <>
OOleksiy Golovko <>
RRauan Mayemir <>
CCarmelo Piccione <>
JJohn Billings <>
LLouis Roché <>
BBrendan Long <>
CChris Yocum <>
LLouis Roché (Ahrefs) <>
LLouis Roché <>
PPavel Antoshkin <>
PPierre Boutillier <>
SShon Feder <>
AAnurag Soni <>
AArjun Ravi Narayan <>
AAsya-kawai <>
CChristophe Troestler <>
Damien Doligez
DDaniel M <>
DDing Xiang Fei <>
FFrançois Pottier <>
JJavier Chavarri <>
KKate <>
LLouis <>
LLouis Roché <>
RRaman Varabets <>
SStephane Legrand <>
VVincent Bernardoff <>
Hhaoyang <>
Ppmundkur <>
Yygrek <>
2.16.0 (2025-01-22)
atdgen: Breaking change, migrate from Bucklescript to Melange (#375)
atdd: Workaround d compiler bug regarding declaration order when using aliases (#393) Algebraic data types (SumType) now uses
alias this
syntax.atdgen: Add support for
<json open_enum>
in Melange (#401)atdcpp: Initial Release (#404)
atdcpp: Use
c++ type as default floating point type (#411)atdgen: Fix JSON I/O for inline records (#419)
atdgen: The deprecated
library is no longer available. Useatdgen-runtime
instead (#421)atddiff: To ensure that all the intended types are checked when new type definitions are added to an ATD file, an
option is now available. It makes atddiff fail if some types are neither selected via--types
nor ignored via--ignore
2.15.0 (2023-10-26)
atddiff: Breaking changes in the JSON output format of atddiff (#382)
atddiff: Fix
atddiff --version
output (#379)atddiff: New experimental option
aimed at producing more stable results that allow diffing successive atddiff reports to spot new findings and ignore old ones (#377)
2.14.1 (2023-10-20)
atddiff: Fixed reports for new variant cases. They are now correctly reported as forward incompatibilities (#373)
2.14.0 (2023-10-19)
atdd: Fix various issues with the interoperability of user defined types, used in or outside of records (#355)
atdd: Generated
files now have the suffix_atd.d
(#355)atddiff now supports options for filtering the findings based on the direction of the incompatibility (
) or based on the
name of the affected types (--types
) (#365)atddiff: new option
--output-format json
for exporting the results to JSON (#360)
2.13.0 (2023-10-15)
atdts: Stop compiler errors on generated typescript (#348)
atdts: Don't fail on
constructs (#353)atdcat: New option
which pretty-prints the type definitions withoutwrap
constructs (#353)atdd: Add
backend to generate D code from ATD definitions (#349)new tool: atddiff. Compares two versions of an ATD file and reports possible incompatibilities in the JSON data. Atddiff ships as part of the
package together withatdcat
(#352, #358)
2.12.0 (2023-05-12)
atdgen: Annotate generated code with types to disambiguate OCaml classic variants (#331)
atdpy: Support the option type more correctly so that it follows ATD's convention for JSON encoding. This allows compatibility with JSON produced by other tools of the ATD suite. The Python type, however, is still a nullable (
) to make things simpler for Python programmers. This prevents distinguishing["Some", "None"]
which both translate toNone
in Python. (#332)(BREAKING) atdgen: revert default encoding of int64 values as string (#330)
atdgen: Support
<json repr="string">
values (#330)atdpy: Treat default field values as expressions to evaluate each time they're assigned to a field. This allows the use of mutable defaults such as lists (#339)
2.11.0 (2023-02-08)
atdpy: Support parametrized type definitions (#303)
atdpy: Support options approximately by treating them as nullables (#320)
atdts: Support parametrized type definitions (#303)
atdts: Fix incorrect type for TypeScript readers/writers generated for type
.atdts: Fix incorrect type for TypeScript writers of optional fields. It was working only in special cases such as
foo?: int
.atdts: Eliminate the type alias
type Int = number
since it was more confusing than helpful. Occurrences ofInt
are replaced bynumber /*int*/
.atdts: Disable all tslint and eslint rules in generated code so as to play well with all tslint and eslint configurations.
2.10.0 (2022-08-09)
atdgen: use Yojson 2.0 API (#299)
atdpy: Support recursive definitions (#315)
atdts: fix nullable object field writer (#312)
2.9.1 (2022-06-10)
atdgen: update
type validation to accept all input by default (#301)atdts: fix reader for case type (#302)
2.8.0 (2022-06-06)
atdgen: use odoc syntax to disambiguate clashing names (#296)
atdpy: propagate decorators on sum types to all constructor classes (#298)
2.7.0 (2022-05-17)
Add ability to specify JSON/OCaml adapter with the arbitrary code using
<json adapter.to_ocaml="..." adapter.from_ocaml="...">
(#184).atdcat: add option
for JSON Schema output to specify that JSON objects may not have extra properties (#293, #294).atdcat: add
field to JSON Schema output containing the name of root type (#294).atdcat: add command-line option to choose the version of JSON Schema to target. Options are the latest version "Draft 2020-12" and the previous version "Draft 2019-09" (#294).
ATD language: the
built-in can now be used like any other type to hold untyped data, if the implementation supports it. The supported targets so far are OCaml/JSON (atdgen), Python (atdpy), TypeScript (atdts), JSON Schema (atdcat) (#295).
2.6.0 (2022-05-03)
atdcat: add option
to translate from ATD to JSON Schema (#284)
2.5.0 (2022-04-23)
atdpy: make
atdpy --version
print the version of atdpy itself rather than the version of theatd
library (#270)atdpy: fix handling of
and improve error message onoption
types used without optional fields (#277)Add TypeScript backend called atdts (#274)
2.4.1 (2022-03-25)
atdpy: don't apply the
decorator twice if explicitly added by the user via an ATD annotation such as<python decorator="dataclass(frozen=True)">
2.4.0 (2022-03-24)
atdpy: allow custom imports and class decorators to be added to the generated Python code.
2.3.3 (2022-03-16)
Prevent incorrect validation errors for annotations of the form
<ocaml field_prefix=...>
and a few others (#258)
2.3.2 (2022-03-11)
Fix package dependencies (#257)
2.3.1 (2022-03-10)
Ensure that atdgen reports its own version rather than the version of the atd library.
Fix version constraint on cmdliner.
2.3.0 (2022-03-10)
Allow single-quoted strings as an alternative to double-quoted strings in ATD files (#239)
Add Python backend called atdpy (#235)
Add detection of misplaced annotations and misspelled annotation field names for atdgen targets and atdpy (#204, #227)
atdpy: Downcase Python output files (#251)
atdpy: Disable flake8 checks on generated code via a special comment (#252)
atdgen: Add support for ppx attributes on individual type definitions (#238)
(BREAKING) atdgen: change encoding of int64 values to string (#231)
other enhancement and fixes (see git log)
2.2.0 (2020-09-03)
Add support for merging double annotations (
<ocaml from="ProtoA"><ocaml predef>
)Add tests for annotation merging and target-specific annotations
2.1.0 (2019-12-3)
Fix bug preventing generated code from compiling when using json adapters on recursive types.
Improve automatic error messages shown in case of failed validation. Now include the validator's name or code.
Add support for json adapters in the bucklescript backend. (#153)
2.0.0 (2018-05-31)
Add support for json adapters in OCaml (
<json adapter.ocaml=...>
)Add support for json enums with a catch-all case (
<json open_enum>
<json tag_field=...>
and<json untyped>
1.13.0 (2018-03-27)
package. This package contains the runtime dependency introduced by theatdgen
code generator. The old runtime library is deprecatedAdd
to set of released packages.atdj
is a java code generator for .atd files.Improve generated code to emit ppx attributes to ignore harmless warnings
submodule has been replaced withVersion
aliases using the(wrapped true)
mode of jbuilder. This is a breaking change for all of those who useatd
the library. All modules are now accessible under theAtd.
entry module.