Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
type atd_ocaml_field = {
ocaml_default : string option;
ocaml_fname : string;
ocaml_mutable : bool;
ocaml_fdoc : Ag_doc.doc option;
type atd_ocaml_repr = [
| `Bool
| `Cell of atd_ocaml_field
| `Def of atd_ocaml_def
| `External of string * string * string
| `Field of atd_ocaml_field
| `Float
| `Int of atd_ocaml_int
| `List of atd_ocaml_list
| `Name of string
| `Nullable
| `Option
| `Record of atd_ocaml_record
| `String
| `Sum of atd_ocaml_sum
| `Tuple
| `Unit
| `Variant of atd_ocaml_variant
| `Wrap of atd_ocaml_wrap option
val ocaml_int_of_string : string -> atd_ocaml_int option
val string_of_ocaml_int : atd_ocaml_int -> string
val ocaml_sum_of_string : string -> atd_ocaml_sum option
val ocaml_record_of_string : string -> atd_ocaml_record option
val ocaml_list_of_string : string -> atd_ocaml_list option
val string_of_ocaml_list : atd_ocaml_list -> string
val get_ocaml_int : Atd_annot.t -> atd_ocaml_int
val get_ocaml_type_path : string -> Atd_annot.t -> string
val path_of_target : target -> string list
val get_ocaml_sum : Atd_annot.t -> atd_ocaml_sum
val get_ocaml_field_prefix : Atd_annot.t -> string
val get_ocaml_record : Atd_annot.t -> atd_ocaml_record
val get_ocaml_list : Atd_annot.t -> atd_ocaml_list
val get_ocaml_wrap : Atd_ast.loc -> Atd_annot.t -> atd_ocaml_wrap option
val get_ocaml_cons : string -> Atd_annot.t -> string
val get_ocaml_fname : string -> Atd_annot.t -> string
val get_ocaml_default : Atd_annot.t -> string option
val get_ocaml_mutable : Atd_annot.t -> bool
val get_ocaml_predef : target -> Atd_annot.t -> bool
val get_ocaml_module : target -> Atd_annot.t -> (string * string) option
val get_ocaml_t : target -> string -> Atd_annot.t -> string
val get_ocaml_module_and_t :
target ->
string ->
Atd_annot.t ->
(string * string * string) option
type ocaml_expr = [
| `Name of string * ocaml_expr list
| `Record of atd_ocaml_record * ocaml_field list
| `Sum of atd_ocaml_sum * ocaml_variant list
| `Tuple of ocaml_expr list
| `Tvar of string
and ocaml_variant = string * ocaml_expr option * Ag_doc.doc option
and ocaml_field = (string * bool) * ocaml_expr * Ag_doc.doc option
type ocaml_def = {
o_def_name : string * ocaml_type_param;
o_def_alias : (string * ocaml_type_param) option;
o_def_expr : ocaml_expr option;
o_def_doc : Ag_doc.doc option;
type ocaml_module_body = ocaml_module_item list
val map_expr : Atd_ast.type_expr -> ocaml_expr
val map_variant : Atd_ast.variant -> ocaml_variant
val map_field : string -> Atd_ast.field -> ocaml_field
val map_def :
target:target ->
type_aliases:string option ->
Atd_ast.type_def ->
ocaml_def option
val map_module :
target:target ->
type_aliases:string option ->
Atd_ast.module_body ->
val ocaml_of_expr_mapping :
(atd_ocaml_repr, 'a) Ag_mapping.mapping ->
val ocaml_of_variant_mapping :
(atd_ocaml_repr, 'a) Ag_mapping.variant_mapping ->
val ocaml_of_field_mapping :
(atd_ocaml_repr, 'a) Ag_mapping.field_mapping ->
val rlist : Easy_format.list_param
val plist : Easy_format.list_param
val hlist : Easy_format.list_param
val shlist : Easy_format.list_param
val shlist0 : Easy_format.list_param
val llist : Easy_format.list_param
val lplist : Easy_format.list_param
val vseq : Easy_format.list_param
val vlist1 : Easy_format.list_param
val vlist : Easy_format.list_param
val label0 : Easy_format.label_param
val make_atom : string -> Easy_format.t
val horizontal_sequence : Easy_format.t list -> Easy_format.t
val horizontal_sequence0 : Easy_format.t list -> Easy_format.t
val vertical_sequence : ?skip_lines:int -> Easy_format.t list -> Easy_format.t
val make_ocamldoc_block :
[< `Before_paragraph
| `Paragraph of [< `Code of string | `Text of string ] list
| `Pre of string ] ->
val make_ocamldoc_blocks : Ag_doc.block list -> Easy_format.t list
val make_ocamldoc_comment : [< `Text of Ag_doc.block list ] -> Easy_format.t
val prepend_ocamldoc_comment :
[< `Text of Ag_doc.block list ] option ->
Easy_format.t ->
val append_ocamldoc_comment :
Easy_format.t ->
[< `Text of Ag_doc.block list ] option ->
val format_pp_conv_node :
Easy_format.t ->
[ `Camlp4 of string list | `Ppx of string list ] ->
val format_module_item :
[ `Camlp4 of string list | `Ppx of string list ] ->
bool ->
ocaml_module_item ->
val prepend_type_param :
ocaml_type_param ->
Easy_format.t list ->
Easy_format.t list
val prepend_type_args :
ocaml_expr list ->
Easy_format.t list ->
Easy_format.t list
val format_type_expr : ocaml_expr -> Easy_format.t
val format_type_name : string -> ocaml_expr list -> Easy_format.t
val format_field : ocaml_field -> Easy_format.t
val format_variant : atd_ocaml_sum -> ocaml_variant -> Easy_format.t
val format_module_items :
[ `Camlp4 of string list | `Ppx of string list ] ->
'a ->
ocaml_module_body ->
Easy_format.t list
val format_module_bodies :
[ `Camlp4 of string list | `Ppx of string list ] ->
(bool * ocaml_module_body) list ->
Easy_format.t list
val format_head : (Atd_ast.loc * Atd_ast.annot) -> Easy_format.t list
val format_all : Easy_format.t list -> Easy_format.t
val ocaml_of_expr : ocaml_expr -> string
val ocaml_of_atd :
?pp_convs:[ `Camlp4 of string list | `Ppx of string list ] ->
target:target ->
type_aliases:string option ->
((Atd_ast.loc * Atd_ast.annot) * (bool * Atd_ast.module_body) list) ->
val unwrap_option :
('a -> ('b, 'c) Ag_mapping.mapping) ->
'a ->
('b, 'c) Ag_mapping.mapping
val get_implicit_ocaml_default :
('a ->
[> `Bool of 'b * [> `Bool ] * 'c
| `Float of 'd * [> `Float ] * 'e
| `Int of
'f * [> `Int of [< `Char | `Float | `Int | `Int32 | `Int64 ] ] * 'g
| `List of 'h * 'i * [> `List of [> `Array | `List ] ] * 'j
| `Nullable of 'k * 'l * [> `Nullable ] * 'm
| `Option of 'n * 'o * [> `Option ] * 'p
| `String of 'q * [> `String ] * 'r
| `Unit of 's * [> `Unit ] * 't ]) ->
'a ->
string option
val map_record_creator_field :
((atd_ocaml_repr, 'a) Ag_mapping.mapping ->
(atd_ocaml_repr, 'b) Ag_mapping.mapping) ->
(atd_ocaml_repr, 'a) Ag_mapping.field_mapping ->
string * string * string