Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
include module type of struct include Ctypes end
type !'a ptr = ('a, [ `C ]) pointer
val genarray :
< ba_repr : 'b
; bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'l) Bigarray.Genarray.t
; carray : 'a carray
; dims : int array
; element : 'a
; layout : 'l >
val array1 :
< ba_repr : 'b
; bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'l) Bigarray.Array1.t
; carray : 'a carray
; dims : int
; element : 'a
; layout : 'l >
val array2 :
< ba_repr : 'b
; bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'l) Bigarray.Array2.t
; carray : 'a carray carray
; dims : int * int
; element : 'a
; layout : 'l >
val array3 :
< ba_repr : 'b
; bigarray : ('a, 'b, 'l) Bigarray.Array3.t
; carray : 'a carray carray carray
; dims : int * int * int
; element : 'a
; layout : 'l >
type !'a structure = ('a, [ `Struct ]) structured
type !'a union = ('a, [ `Union ]) structured
val void : unit typ
val char : char typ
val schar : int typ
val short : int typ
val int : int typ
val long : Signed.long typ
val llong : Signed.llong typ
val nativeint : nativeint typ
val int8_t : int typ
val int16_t : int typ
val int32_t : int32 typ
val int64_t : int64 typ
val intptr_t : Intptr.t typ
val ptrdiff_t : Ptrdiff.t typ
val camlint : int typ
val uchar : Unsigned.uchar typ
val bool : bool typ
val uint8_t : Unsigned.uint8 typ
val uint16_t : Unsigned.uint16 typ
val uint32_t : Unsigned.uint32 typ
val uint64_t : Unsigned.uint64 typ
val size_t : Unsigned.size_t typ
val ushort : Unsigned.ushort typ
val sint : Signed.sint typ
val uint : Unsigned.uint typ
val ulong : Unsigned.ulong typ
val ullong : Unsigned.ullong typ
val uintptr_t : Uintptr.t typ
val float : float typ
val double : float typ
val ldouble : LDouble.t typ
val complex32 : Stdlib.Complex.t typ
val complex64 : Stdlib.Complex.t typ
val complexld : ComplexL.t typ
val string : string typ
val string_opt : string option typ
val ocaml_string : string Ctypes_static.ocaml typ
val ocaml_bytes : bytes Ctypes_static.ocaml typ
val bigarray :
< ba_repr : 'b
; bigarray : 'bigarray
; carray : 'c
; dims : 'dims
; element : 'a
; layout : Bigarray.c_layout >
Ctypes_static.bigarray_class ->
'dims ->
('a, 'b) Bigarray.kind ->
'bigarray typ
val fortran_bigarray :
< ba_repr : 'b
; bigarray : 'bigarray
; carray : 'c
; dims : 'dims
; element : 'a
; layout : Bigarray.fortran_layout >
Ctypes_static.bigarray_class ->
'dims ->
('a, 'b) Bigarray.kind ->
'bigarray typ
val typ_of_bigarray_kind : ('a, 'b) Bigarray.kind -> 'a typ
val structure : string -> 's Ctypes_static.structure typ
val union : string -> 's Ctypes_static.union typ
val seal : ('a, [< `Struct | `Union ]) Ctypes_static.structured typ -> unit
val abstract :
name:string ->
size:int ->
alignment:int ->
'a Ctypes_static.abstract typ
val lift_typ : 'a Ctypes_static.typ -> 'a typ
val sizeof : 'a typ -> int
val alignment : 'a typ -> int
val format_typ : ?name:string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a typ -> unit
val format_fn : ?name:string -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a fn -> unit
val string_of_typ : ?name:string -> 'a typ -> string
val string_of_fn : ?name:string -> 'a fn -> string
val format : 'a typ -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit
val string_of : 'a typ -> 'a -> string
val null : unit ptr
val (!@) : 'a ptr -> 'a
val (<-@) : 'a ptr -> 'a -> unit
val is_null : 'a ptr -> bool
val ptr_of_raw_address : nativeint -> unit ptr
val raw_address_of_ptr : unit ptr -> nativeint
val string_from_ptr : char ptr -> length:int -> string
val ocaml_string_start : string -> string ocaml
val ocaml_bytes_start : bytes -> bytes ocaml
val bigarray_start :
< ba_repr : 'c
; bigarray : 'b
; carray : 'd
; dims : 'e
; element : 'a
; layout : 'l >
bigarray_class ->
'b ->
'a ptr
val bigarray_of_ptr :
< ba_repr : 'f
; bigarray : 'b
; carray : 'c
; dims : 'i
; element : 'a
; layout : Bigarray.c_layout >
bigarray_class ->
'i ->
('a, 'f) Bigarray.kind ->
'a ptr ->
val fortran_bigarray_of_ptr :
< ba_repr : 'f
; bigarray : 'b
; carray : 'c
; dims : 'i
; element : 'a
; layout : Bigarray.fortran_layout >
bigarray_class ->
'i ->
('a, 'f) Bigarray.kind ->
'a ptr ->
val array_of_bigarray :
< ba_repr : 'a
; bigarray : 'b
; carray : 'c
; dims : 'd
; element : 'e
; layout : Bigarray.c_layout >
bigarray_class ->
'b ->
val bigarray_of_array :
< ba_repr : 'f
; bigarray : 'b
; carray : 'c carray
; dims : 'i
; element : 'a
; layout : Bigarray.c_layout >
bigarray_class ->
('a, 'f) Bigarray.kind ->
'c carray ->
val make :
?finalise:(('a, 'b) structured -> unit) ->
('a, 'b) structured typ ->
('a, 'b) structured
val setf : ('b, 'c) structured -> ('a, ('b, 'c) structured) field -> 'a -> unit
val getf : ('b, 'c) structured -> ('a, ('b, 'c) structured) field -> 'a
val (@.) : ('b, 'c) structured -> ('a, ('b, 'c) structured) field -> 'a ptr
val (|->) :
('b, 'c) structured ptr ->
('a, ('b, 'c) structured) field ->
'a ptr
val field_name : ('a, 'b) field -> string
val addr : ('a, 'b) structured -> ('a, 'b) structured ptr
module type FOREIGN = sig ... end
module type TYPE = sig ... end
exception Uncoercible of uncoercible_info