package async_smtp

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type
module Envelope_status : sig ... end
module Expert : sig ... end
include module type of Async_smtp_types.Email.Simple with module Expert := Async_smtp_types.Email.Simple.Expert
module Mimetype : sig ... end
type attachment_name = string
module Attachment : sig ... end
module Content : sig ... end
type t = Email_message__.Email.t
val sexp_of_t : t -> Ppx_sexp_conv_lib.Sexp.t
val create : ?from:Email_address.t -> to_:Email_address.t list -> ?cc:Email_address.t list -> ?reply_to:Email_address.t -> subject:string -> ?id:string -> ?in_reply_to:string -> ?date:Core.Time.t -> ?auto_generated:unit -> ?extra_headers: (Email_message__.Headers.Name.t * Email_message__.Headers.Value.t) list -> ?attachments:(attachment_name * Content.t) list -> Content.t -> t
val from : t -> Email_address.t option
val to_ : t -> Email_address.t list option
val cc : t -> Email_address.t list option
val subject : t -> string option
val id : t -> string option
val extract_body : ?content_type:Mimetype.t -> t -> string option
val all_attachments : t -> Attachment.t list
val find_attachment : t -> attachment_name -> Attachment.t option
val inline_parts : t -> Content.t list
val map_file_attachments : t -> f:(Attachment.t -> [ `Keep | `Replace of t ]) -> t
module Stable : sig ... end
val send' : ?log:Async.Log.t -> ?credentials:Async_smtp__.Credentials.elt list -> ?server:Core.Host_and_port.t -> ?from:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t -> ?sender_args:Async_smtp_types.Smtp_envelope.Sender_argument.t list -> to_:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t list -> ?cc:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t list -> ?bcc:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t list -> ?reply_to:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t -> ?bounce_to:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t -> subject:string -> ?id:string -> ?in_reply_to:string -> ?date:Core.Time.t -> ?auto_generated:unit -> ?extra_headers: (Async_smtp_types.Email_headers.Name.t * Async_smtp_types.Email_headers.Value.t) list -> ?attachments:(attachment_name * Async_smtp_types.Email.Simple.Content.t) list -> Async_smtp_types.Email.Simple.Content.t -> Envelope_status.t Async.Deferred.Or_error.t
val send : ?log:Async.Log.t -> ?credentials:Async_smtp__.Credentials.elt list -> ?server:Core.Host_and_port.t -> ?from:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t -> ?sender_args:Async_smtp_types.Smtp_envelope.Sender_argument.t list -> to_:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t list -> ?cc:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t list -> ?bcc:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t list -> ?reply_to:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t -> ?bounce_to:Async_smtp_types.Email_address.t -> subject:string -> ?id:string -> ?in_reply_to:string -> ?date:Core.Time.t -> ?auto_generated:unit -> ?extra_headers: (Async_smtp_types.Email_headers.Name.t * Async_smtp_types.Email_headers.Value.t) list -> ?attachments:(attachment_name * Async_smtp_types.Email.Simple.Content.t) list -> Async_smtp_types.Email.Simple.Content.t -> unit Async.Deferred.Or_error.t

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