package async_extra

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Bus : sig ... end

An Async extension of Core_kernel.Bus. Functions that share the same name and types as those in Core_kernel.Bus are direct calls to same.

module Command : sig ... end

Async.Command is Core.Command with additional Async functions.

module Lock_file : sig ... end

Async.Lock_file is a wrapper that provides Async equivalents for Core.Lock_file.

module Persistent_connection : sig ... end

A persistent connection is one that is automatically reestablished whenever lost.

module Rpc : sig ... end

This module just re-exports lots of modules from Async_rpc_kernel and adds some Unix-specific wrappers in Connection (for using Reader, Writer, and Tcp). For documentation, see Rpc and Connection_intf in the Async_rpc_kernel library.

module Schedule_v5 : sig ... end

Extends Core.Schedule_v5 with functions for asynchronously handling events in the schedule.

module Tcp : sig ... end

Tcp supports connection to inet sockets and unix sockets.

module Udp : sig ... end

A grab-bag of performance-oriented, UDP-oriented network tools. These provide some convenience, but they are more complex than basic applications require.

module User_and_group : sig ... end

Wrapper around Core.User_and_group with a deferred for_this_process / for_this_process_exn.

module Versioned_rpc = Async_rpc_kernel.Versioned_rpc
module Weak_hashtbl : sig ... end

Like Core.Weak_hashtbl, but automatically collects keys with unused data, rather than requiring user code to call remove_keys_with_unused_data.