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For communicating a dynamically chosen TCP port from a child process to its parent.
This is used to fork+exec a child process that will create create a TCP server that listens to a dynamically chosen port, and to make the port number available in the parent process once the child process is listening on the port.
Here is the intended usage:
1. The parent creates a Dynamic_port_writer.t value together with a deferred that will eventually be determined with the port assigned to the child process by the OS.
2. The parent communicates the Dynamic_port_writer.t value to a child it has spawned. This can happen in a number of ways,
via the child's command line using to_string and either arg or of_string.
via a config file using "with sexp"
over the wire using "with bin_io"
3. The child calls Tcp.Server.create with the value returned by where_to_listen.
Once the server created in step (3) is listening on its OS-assigned port, the parent's deferred obtained in step (1) will soon become determined with the value of the port.
Code for the parent process would look something like:
Dynamic_port_writer.create ()
>>= fun (dynamic_port_writer, port_d) ->
Unix.fork_exec ~prog
~argv:([ prog ]
@ Dynamic_port_writer.flag_args dynamic_port_writer
@ [ ... other args ... ])
>>= fun _child_pid ->
>>= fun r ->
let `Port port = ok_exn r in
Tcp.connect (Tcp.Where_to_connect.of_host_and_port {host = "localhost"; port})
>>= fun (_, reader, writer) ->
Code for the Command.t for the child process would look something like: