package async_extended

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module Any_error : sig ... end
module Async_cbreak : sig ... end
module Async_color_print : sig ... end
module Async_heap : sig ... end
module Async_mutex : sig ... end

An async interface to the usual notion of mutex, in particular where lock returns a unit Deferred.t rather than blocking.

module Coalesced_throttle : sig ... end
module Cpu_load : sig ... end
module Csv : sig ... end
module Deferred_cache : sig ... end
module Deferred_list : sig ... end
module Delimited : sig ... end
module Embedded_script : sig ... end
module Enforcer : sig ... end
module Extended_log : sig ... end
module Fd_leak_check : sig ... end
module File_updates : sig ... end
module Find : sig ... end
module Generator : sig ... end

A generator is a consumer-driven source of data. Unlike Async streams, these * objects are stateful. For example, if one generator is shared between two clients * that both invoke next, then they will see different sequences of items

module Inotify : sig ... end
module Interactive_edit : sig ... end
module Keyed_sequencer : sig ... end
module Ltl : sig ... end
module Mailbox : sig ... end
module Pipe_iterator : sig ... end

Pipe_iterator provides a way of walking through the elements of a pipe or other data stream that can only be computed once, but simulating multiple pointers into that sequence such that each of the pointers can be advanced separately. It does so without storing more of the sequence in memory than necessary.

module Pipe_zipper : sig ... end
module Priority_queue : sig ... end
module Process : sig ... end

This module is deprecated; please use Async.Process.

module Reader_ext : sig ... end
module Resource : sig ... end
module Rpc_proxy : sig ... end
module Run_in_fork : sig ... end
module Semaphore : sig ... end

The standard semaphore concept, with an async API.

module Shell : sig ... end
module Signal : sig ... end
module Simple_tcp_proxy : sig ... end

This is a simple tcp proxy that might be useful for simulating connection problems between clients and servers.

module Sound : sig ... end
module Std : sig ... end
module Synccast : sig ... end
module Udp : sig ... end
module Validate_command : sig ... end
module Watcher : sig ... end

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