package art

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Adaptive Radix Tree


Dune Dependency





Adaptive Radix Tree (ART) in OCaml

This is an implementation in OCaml of ART. An Adaptive Radix Tree is like a simple Hashtbl with order:

# let tree = Art.make () ;;
# Art.insert tree (Art.key "foo") 42 ;;
# Art.insert tree (Art.key "bar") 21 ;;
# Art.find tree (Art.key "foo")
- : int = 42

Operation like minimum or maximum are available (which don't exist for a simple Hashtbl.t):

# let tree = Art.make () ;;
# Art.insert tree (Art.key "0") 0 ;;
# Art.insert tree (Art.key "1") 1 ;;
# Art.insert tree (Art.key "2") 2 ;;
# Art.minimum tree
- : int = 0
# Art.maximum tree
- : int = 2

If you want the order and the speed of Hashtbl.t, Art is your library:

  • Benchmark on [find][find-bechamel]

  • Benchmark on [insert][insert-bechamel]

Read Optimised Write Exclusion (ROWEX) in OCaml

ROWEX is a second implementation of ART with atomic operations. It's a functor which expects an implementation of atomic operations such as load or store.

Parallelism, atomic operation & OCaml

The current version of OCaml has a global lock for the GC. By this way, it's not possible for us to execute ROWEX operations (find/insert) with true parallelism if we use the same OCaml runtime. Even if you use LWT or ASYNC, you execute jobs concurrentely.

However, ROWEX wants to provide an implementation where find/insert can be executed in parralel without any problems (race condition or ABA problem). So ROWEX provides an implementation, persistent, which implements atomic operations on a memory area. Then, we are able, as [parmap][parmap], to simulate true parallelism as long as each operations are executed into their own [fork()][fork].

The goal of this library is provide:

  • the most easy way to switch the implementation to [ocaml-multicore][ocaml-multicore]

  • a baby step to be able to manipulate a file by several processes (consumers/find, producers/insert) in parallel

Status: experimental

This part of the distribution is experimental - even if the distribution comes with several tests to ensure that the implementation works, ROWEX is fragile! It still need a synchronization mechanism fsync() which is added pervasively in some parts of the code according to outcomes of errors.


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