Module type
Class type
module Ethernet : Mirage_protocols_lwt.ETHERNET
module Time : Mirage_time_lwt.S
include Mirage_protocols_lwt.ARP
include Mirage_device.S with type 'a io = 'a Lwt.t
The type for ARP errors.
val pp_error : error Fmt.t
is the pretty-printer for errors.
val pp : repr Fmt.t
set_ips arp
sets the bound IP address list, which will transmit a GARP packet also.
remove_ip arp ip
removes ip
to the bound IP address list in the arp
value, which will transmit a GARP packet for any remaining IPs in the bound IP address list after the removal.
add_ip arp ip
adds ip
to the bound IP address list in the arp
value, which will transmit a GARP packet also.
query arp ip
queries the cache in arp
for an ARP entry corresponding to ip
, which may result in the sender sleeping waiting for a response.
val connect : Ethernet.t -> t Lwt.t