package archetype

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type target_lang =
  1. | Michelson
  2. | MichelsonStorage
  3. | OffchainViews
  4. | Javascript
  5. | Markdown
  6. | BindingsJs
  7. | BindingsTs
  8. | ContractMetadata
  9. | DebugTrace
val pp_target_lang : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> target_lang -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_target_lang : target_lang -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
exception UnknownTarget of string
val string_to_target_lang : string -> target_lang
val version : string
val url : string
val target : target_lang Stdlib.ref
val debug : bool Stdlib.ref
val quiet : bool Stdlib.ref
val with_init_caller : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_json : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_rjson : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_pt : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_extpt : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_ext : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_ast : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_mdl : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_omdl : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_typed : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_ir : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_dir : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_mic : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_mit : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_mici : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_all_parenthesis : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_m : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_raw : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_raw_ir : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_raw_michelson : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_raw_debug_trace : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_caller : string Stdlib.ref
val opt_decomp : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_trace : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_metadata_uri : string Stdlib.ref
val opt_metadata_storage : string Stdlib.ref
val opt_with_metadata : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_expr : string option Stdlib.ref
val opt_entrypoint : string option Stdlib.ref
val opt_type : string option Stdlib.ref
val opt_with_contract : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_code_only : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_expr_only : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_init : string Stdlib.ref
val opt_no_js_header : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_sdir : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_test_mode : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_get_storage_values : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_with_parameters : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_show_entries : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_out : string Stdlib.ref
val opt_contract_interface : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_contract_interface_michelson : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_event_well_address : string option Stdlib.ref
val opt_g : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_path : string Stdlib.ref
val opt_ama : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_alma : bool Stdlib.ref
val opt_property_focused : string Stdlib.ref
val opt_vids : string list Stdlib.ref
val add_vids : string -> unit
type lsp_kind =
  1. | Errors
  2. | Outline
val lsp_kind_to_yojson : lsp_kind -> Yojson.Safe.t
val lsp_kind_of_yojson : Yojson.Safe.t -> lsp_kind Ppx_deriving_yojson_runtime.error_or
val pp_lsp_kind : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> lsp_kind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_lsp_kind : lsp_kind -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
exception UnknownLspKind of string
val string_to_kind : string -> lsp_kind
val opt_lsp_kind : lsp_kind option Stdlib.ref
type language =
  1. | Typescript
  2. | Javascript
val language_to_string : language -> string

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