package archetype

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
module M = Model
module I = Ident
exception Anomaly of string
type error_desc =
  1. | UnsupportedContainer of string
  2. | UnsupportedType of string
  3. | RecordNotFound
  4. | NotSupportedType of string
val pp_error_desc : Ppx_deriving_runtime.Format.formatter -> error_desc -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.unit
val show_error_desc : error_desc -> Ppx_deriving_runtime.string
val emit_error : error_desc -> 'a
val extract_asset_collection : M.model -> int -> I.ident -> Ident.ident -> M.argument list -> M.argument list
val gen_shallow_args : M.model -> M.lident -> M.type_ -> M.argument -> (I.ident * (M.lident * M.type_) list) list * M.argument list
val has_shallow_vars : 'a Location.loced -> ('a * 'b) list -> bool
val get_shallow_vars : I.ident Location.loced -> (I.ident * (M.lident * M.type_) list) list -> M.mterm list
val record_to_key : Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.model_gen -> Ident.ident Location.loced -> M.mterm -> M.lident M.mterm_gen
val tl : 'a list -> 'a list
val map_shallow_record : Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.model_gen -> (I.ident * (M.lident * M.type_) list) list -> M.mterm -> M.mterm list
val mk_new_letins : string -> Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.mterm_gen list -> (string Location.loced * Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.mterm_gen) list
val mk_ctx : (string * (Ident.ident Location.loced * Archetype__Model.type_) list) list -> string -> Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.mterm_gen list -> (string * (Ident.ident Location.loced * Archetype__Model.type_) list) list
val map_shallow : (I.ident * (M.lident * M.type_) list) list -> Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.model_gen -> M.lident M.mterm_gen -> M.lident M.mterm_gen
val map_letin_shallow : Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.model_gen -> (I.ident * (M.lident * M.type_) list) list -> M.lident M.mterm_gen -> (string Location.loced * Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.mterm_gen) list -> M.mterm
val process_shallow_function : M.model -> Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.function__gen -> Ident.ident Location.loced Archetype__Model.function__gen
val gen_add_shallow_asset : M.argument -> M.mterm
val gen_add_shallow_fun : M.model -> I.ident -> M.function__
val gen_add_shallow_field_fun : M.model -> (I.ident * I.ident) -> M.function__
val get_added_assets : M.model -> I.ident list
val get_added_asset_fields : M.model -> (I.ident * I.ident) list
val shallow_decls : M.model -> M.decl_node list -> M.decl_node list
val shallow_asset : M.model -> M.model

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