package apronext

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = Apron.Interval.t = {
  1. mutable inf : Apron.Scalar.t;
  2. mutable sup : Apron.Scalar.t;

APRON Intervals on scalars

val of_scalar : Apron.Scalar.t -> Apron.Scalar.t -> t

Build an interval from a lower and an upper bound

val of_infsup : Apron.Scalar.t -> Apron.Scalar.t -> t


val of_mpq : Mpq.t -> Mpq.t -> t
val of_mpqf : Mpqf.t -> Mpqf.t -> t
val of_int : int -> int -> t
val of_frac : int -> int -> int -> int -> t
val of_float : float -> float -> t
val of_mpfr : Mpfr.t -> Mpfr.t -> t

Create an interval from resp. two

  • multi-precision rationals Mpq.t
  • multi-precision rationals Mpqf.t
  • integers
  • fractions x/y and z/w
  • machine floats
  • Mpfr floats
val is_top : t -> bool

Does the interval represent the universe ([-oo,+oo]) ?

val is_bottom : t -> bool

Does the interval contain no value ([a,b] with a>b) ?

val is_leq : t -> t -> bool

Inclusion test. is_leq x y returns true if x is included in y

val cmp : t -> t -> int

Non Total Comparison: 0: equality -1: i1 included in i2 +1: i2 included in i1 -2: i1.inf less than or equal to i2.inf +2: i1.inf greater than i2.inf

val equal : t -> t -> bool

Equality test

val is_zero : t -> bool

Is the interval equal to 0,0 ?

val equal_int : t -> int -> bool

Is the interval equal to i,i ?

val neg : t -> t


val top : t
val bottom : t

Top and bottom intervals (using DOUBLE coefficients)

val set_infsup : t -> Apron.Scalar.t -> Apron.Scalar.t -> unit

Fill the interval with the given lower and upper bouunds

val set_top : t -> unit
val set_bottom : t -> unit

Fill the interval with top (resp. bottom) value

val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

Print an interval, under the format [inf,sup]


val join : t -> t -> t

join a b computes the smallest interval c such that is_leq a c && is_leq b c

val to_float : t -> float * float
val to_mpqf : t -> Mpqf.t * Mpqf.t
val range : t -> Apron.Scalar.t

scalar range of an interval

val range_mpqf : t -> Mpqf.t

same as range but result as an mpqf

val mid : t -> Apron.Scalar.t

midpoint of an interval

val spawn : t -> Mpqf.t

Random uniform value within an interval, according to the type

val is_bounded : t -> bool

returns true if and only if both bounds are finite


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