Module type
Class type
Options module used at start-up to parse the command line
Some values are defined once and for all in the options module since it will be opened in each module. Even though it's not a good habit to do so this will stay like this until the next PR that's supposed to clean some parts of the program
type model =
| MNone
| MDefault
| MAll
| MComplete
Type used to describe the type of models wanted
type instantiation_heuristic =
| INormal
| IAuto
| IGreedy
Type used to describe the type of heuristic for instantiation wanted
Value specifying the default input format. Useful when the extension does not allow to automatically select a parser (eg. JS mode, GUI mode, ...). possible values are
Default to Native
val get_infer_input_format : unit -> bool
true if Alt-Ergo infers automatically the input format according to the file extension. false if an input format is set with -i option
Default to true
val get_parse_only : unit -> bool
true if the program shall stop after parsing.
Default to false
val get_parsers : unit ->string list
List of registered parsers for Alt-Ergo.
Default to false
val get_preludes : unit ->string list
List of files that have be loaded as preludes.
Default to []
val get_type_only : unit -> bool
true if the program shall stop after typing.
Default to false
val get_type_smt2 : unit -> bool
true if the program shall stop after SMT2 typing.
Default to false
Internal options
val get_disable_weaks : unit -> bool
true if the GC is prevented from collecting hashconsed data structrures that are not reachable (useful for more determinism).
Default to false
val get_enable_assertions : unit -> bool
true if verification of some heavy invariants is enabled.
Value specifying the limit above which Fourier-Motzkin variables elimination steps that may produce a number of inequalities that is greater than this limit are skipped. However, unit eliminations are always done.
Default to 10_000
val get_steps_bound : unit -> int
Value specifying the maximum number of steps.
Default to -1
val get_timelimit : unit -> float
Value specifying the time limit (not supported on Windows).
Default to 0.
val get_timelimit_interpretation : unit -> float
Value specifying the time limit for model generation (not supported on Windows).
Default to 1. (not supported on Windows)
val get_timelimit_per_goal : unit -> bool
Value specifying the given timelimit for each goal in case of multiple goals per file. In this case, time spent in preprocessing is separated from resolution time.
$Not relevant for GUI-mode.
Default to false
Output options
val get_model : unit -> bool
Experimental support for models on labeled terms.
Possible values are
Complete : shows a complete model
All : shows all models
Which are used in the two setters below. This option answers true if the model is set to Default or Complete
Default to false
val get_complete_model : unit -> bool
true if the model is set to complete model
Default to false
val get_all_models : unit -> bool
true if the model is set to all models?
Default to false
val get_interpretation : unit -> int
Experimental support for counter-example generation.
Possible values are :
Before instantiation
Before every decision or instantiation
A negative value (-1, -2, or -3) will disable interpretation display.
Note that get_max_split limitation will be ignored in model generation phase.
CDCL-tableaux : CDCL SAT-solver with formulas filtering based on tableaux method
CDCL : CDCL SAT-solver
Tableaux : SAT-solver based on tableaux method
Tableaux-CDCL : Tableaux method assisted with a CDCL SAT-solver
Default to CDCL-tableaux
val get_cdcl_tableaux_inst : unit -> bool
true if the use of a tableaux-like method for instantiations is enabled with the CDCL solver if satML is used.
Default to true
val get_cdcl_tableaux_th : unit -> bool
true if the use of a tableaux-like method for theories is enabled with the CDCL solver if satML is used.
Default to true
val get_cdcl_tableaux : unit -> bool
true if the use of a tableaux-like method for theories or instantiations is enabled with the CDCL solver if satML is used.
Default to true
val get_tableaux_cdcl : unit -> bool
true if the tableaux SAT-solver is used with CDCL assist.
Default to false
val get_minimal_bj : unit -> bool
true if minimal backjumping in satML CDCL solver is enabled
Default to true
val get_enable_restarts : unit -> bool
true if restarts are enabled for satML.
Default to false
val get_disable_flat_formulas_simplification : unit -> bool
true if facts simplification is disabled in satML's flat formulas.
Default to false
val get_no_sat_learning : unit -> bool
val get_sat_learning : unit -> bool
true if learning/caching of unit facts in the Default SAT is disabled. These facts are used to improve bcp.
Default to true (sat_learning is active)
val get_sat_plugin : unit -> string
Value specifying which SAT-solver is used.
Default to false
Term options
val get_disable_ites : unit -> bool
true if handling of ite(s) on terms in the backend is disabled.
Default to false
val get_inline_lets : unit -> bool
true if substitution of variables bounds by Let is enabled. The default behavior is to only substitute variables that are bound to a constant, or that appear at most once.
Default to false
val get_rewriting : unit -> bool
true if rewriting is used instead of axiomatic approach.
Default to false
val get_term_like_pp : unit -> bool
true if semantic values shall be output as terms.
Default to true
Theory options
val get_disable_adts : unit -> bool
true if Algebraic Datatypes theory is disabled
Default to false
val get_inequalities_plugin : unit -> string
Value specifying which module is used to handle inequalities of linear arithmetic.
Default to false
val get_no_ac : unit -> bool
true if the AC (Associative and Commutative) theory is disabled for function symbols.
Default to false
val get_no_contracongru : unit -> bool
true if contracongru is disabled.
Default to false
val get_no_fm : unit -> bool
true if Fourier-Motzkin algorithm is disabled.
Default to false
val get_no_nla : unit -> bool
true if non-linear arithmetic reasoning (i.e. non-linear multplication, division and modulo on integers and rationals) is disabled. Non-linear multiplication remains AC.
Default to false
val get_no_tcp : unit -> bool
true if BCP modulo theories is deactivated.
Default to false
val get_no_backward : unit -> bool
true if backward reasoning step (starting from the goal) done in the default SAT solver before deciding is disabled.
Default to false
val get_no_decisions : unit -> bool
true if decisions at the SAT level are disabled.
Default to false
val get_no_theory : unit -> bool
true if theory reasoning is completely deactivated.
Default to false
val get_restricted : unit -> bool
true if the set of decision procedures (equality, arithmetic and AC) is restricted.
Default to false
val get_tighten_vars : unit -> bool
true if the best bounds for arithmetic variables is computed.
Default to false
val get_use_fpa : unit -> bool
true if support for floating-point arithmetic is enabled.