package alcotest

  1. Overview
  2. Docs



val time : unit -> float

time () returns the current timestamp, used to measure the duration of a testrun.

val getcwd : unit -> string

getcwd () returns the current working directory.

val prepare : base:string -> dir:string -> name:string -> unit

prepare ~base ~dir ~name is called before test suite execution. base is the parent of the log directory, dir the log directory (including unique testrun ID), and name is the test name. On Unix, this function creates the log directory dir for the test output, and sets up the symlink latest to the latest result.

val stdout_isatty : unit -> bool

Return true if standard output refers to a terminal or console window, false otherwise.

val stdout_columns : unit -> int option

stdout_columns () is the current width of stdout in columns, or None if no width can be determined (e.g. stdout is not a TTY).

val with_redirect : string -> (unit -> 'a M.t) -> 'a M.t

with_redirect output_file f is called for each test. On Unix, it it deals with redirection of standard streams to the output_file. The implementation of with_redirect has to make sure to call f in order to run the test case.

val setup_std_outputs : ?style_renderer:Fmt.style_renderer -> ?utf_8:bool -> unit -> unit

setup_std_outputs ~style_renderer ~utf_8 () is called at startup of alcotest and sets up the standard streams for colored output.

val home_directory : unit -> (string, [ `Msg of string ]) Pervasives.result

home_directory () is the current user's HOME directory, if it exists.


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