package alcotest-async

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
On This Page
  1. Versioned APIs
Module type
Class type

Alcotest_async enables testing functions which return an Async deferred. run returns a deferred which will run the tests when scheduled.

include Alcotest_engine.V1.Cli.S with type return = unit Async.Deferred.t
type return = unit Async.Deferred.t
type speed_level = [
  1. | `Quick
  2. | `Slow
type !'a test_case = string * speed_level * ('a -> return)
exception Test_error
type !'a test = string * 'a test_case list
type !'a with_options = ?stdout:Alcotest_engine__.Formatters.stdout -> ?stderr:Alcotest_engine__.Formatters.stderr -> ?and_exit:bool -> ?verbose:bool -> ?compact:bool -> ?tail_errors:[ `Limit of int | `Unlimited ] -> ?quick_only:bool -> ?show_errors:bool -> ?json:bool -> ?filter:(name:string -> index:int -> [ `Run | `Skip ]) -> ?log_dir:string -> ?bail:bool -> ?record_backtrace:bool -> ? -> 'a
val run : (?argv:string array -> string -> unit test list -> return) with_options
val run_with_args : (?argv:string array -> string -> 'a Cmdliner.Term.t -> 'a test list -> return) with_options
val test_case : ?timeout:Time_float_unix.Span.t -> string -> Alcotest.speed_level -> ('a -> unit Async.Deferred.t) -> 'a test_case
val test_case_sync : string -> Alcotest.speed_level -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a test_case

Versioned APIs

module V1 : sig ... end

An alias of the above API that provides a stability guarantees over major version changes.


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