You can search for identifiers within the package.
in-package search v0.2.0
type t
val count : t -> int
val is_valid_index : int -> t -> bool
val index_of_level : int -> t -> int
val level_of_index : int -> t -> int
val raw_type_at_level : int -> t -> Term.typ
val type_at_level : int -> t -> Term.typ
type_at_level level c type of the entry at level.
type_at_level level c
val int_type : t -> Term.typ
val type_of_literal : Term.Value.t -> t -> Term.typ
val type_of_variable : int -> t -> Term.typ
val name_at_level : int -> t -> string
val name_of_index : int -> t -> string
val variable_at_level : int -> t -> Term.t
val definition_term : int -> t -> Term.t option
val standard : unit -> t
val compute : Term.t -> t -> Term.t
val push_local : string -> Term.typ -> t -> t