package aez

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type var = {
  1. vid : int;
  2. pa : atom;
  3. na : atom;
  4. mutable weight : float;
  5. mutable seen : bool;
  6. mutable level : int;
  7. mutable reason : reason;
  8. mutable vpremise : premise;
and atom = {
  1. var : var;
  2. lit : Literal.LT.t;
  3. neg : atom;
  4. mutable watched : clause Vec.t;
  5. mutable is_true : bool;
  6. aid : int;
and clause = {
  1. name : string;
  2. mutable atoms : atom Vec.t;
  3. mutable activity : float;
  4. mutable removed : bool;
  5. learnt : bool;
  6. cpremise : premise;
and reason = clause option
and premise = clause list
module Make (Dummy : sig ... end) : sig ... end
module Debug : sig ... end

Innovation. Community. Security.