package activitypub

  1. Overview
  2. Docs


type E.error +=
  1. | Time_error of string
val sha256 : string -> string
val mkdir : string -> unit Lwt.t
val dir_exists : string -> bool Lwt.t
val graph_keep_only_from : ?keep:(Iri.t -> bool) -> Rdf.Graph.graph -> Rdf.Term.term -> Rdf.Graph.graph

graph_keep_only_from ?keep g term returns a new graph with the same name as g, keeping only triples reachable from term, and only following blank nodes or IRIs when keep iri returns true, i.e. when an IRI is encountered, we do not add triples with this IRI as subject if keep iri returns false. Default keep always return false.

val filename_wrapper : string Ocf.Wrapper.t
val iri_wrapper : Iri.t Ocf.Wrapper.t
val mime_wrapper : Ldp.Ct.mime Ocf.Wrapper.t
val ptime_wrapper : Ptime.t Ocf.Wrapper.t
val is_prefix_iri : Iri.t -> Iri.t -> bool
val static_mime : string -> Ldp.Ct.mime
val mime_xhtml : Ldp.Ct.mime
val mime_nquads : Ldp.Ct.mime
val mime_jsonld : Ldp.Ct.mime
val mime_ap : Ldp.Ct.mime
val mime_jrd_json : Ldp.Ct.mime
val jsonld_document_loader : (?headers:Cohttp.Header.t -> Iri.t -> (string, exn) result Lwt.t) -> Iri.Map.key -> (string, exn) result Lwt.t
val location_header : Ldp.Types.meta -> string option
val list_slice : start:int -> stop:int -> 'a list -> 'a list
module AS = Rdf.Activitypub
val log_level_wrapper : Logs.level option Ocf.Wrapper.t
val to_ptime : float -> Ptime.t
val ptime_now : unit -> Ptime.t
val ptime_to_utc_string : Ptime.t -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.