package acgtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

This module contains the type for other script errors.

type t =
  1. | NoSignatureType of string

    NoSignatureType ty is raised when a type ty is used without signature to interpret it.

  2. | NoSignatureTerm
  3. | WrongSignature of string * string
  4. | OnlyLexicon of string
  5. | ArgumentMissing of string * string
  6. | DifferentSig of string * (AcgData.Signature.Data_Signature.t * AcgData.Signature.Data_Signature.t) option

    DifferentSig (var, Some (sig1, sig2)) is raised when a type variable is used in at least two contexts with different signatures sig1 and sig2.

  7. | AlreadyExistingFun of string

    AlreadyExistingFun func when a function func is defined with a name already used.

  8. | UnusedVariable of string

    UnusedVariable var is raised when a function is defined with a unused variable var as paramenter.

  9. | UnknownFunction of string

    UnknownFunction func is raised when an unknown function func is called.

  10. | UnknownParameter of string * string

    UnknownParameter (func, param) when a function func is called with an unknown parameter param.

  11. | ParameterRepeated of string * string

    ParameterRepeated (func, param) is raised when a function func is called with at least twice the same parameter param.

  12. | TooMuchArgs of string

    TooMuchArgs func is raised when a function is called with too much unnamed arguments.

  13. | NoLastValue

    NoLastValue is raised when the function last is called before executing a command returning a value.

  14. | InvalidSpecialFuncCall of string

    InvalidSpecialFuncCall func is raised when a special function func is used in a command with multiple functions.

  15. | MissingFuncTermList of string

    MissingFuncTermList func is raised when a function func which needs terms as input is called without terms.

  16. | TermListNotAllowed of string

    TermListNotAllowed func is raised when a function func which does not take terms as input is called with terms.

  17. | EmptyPipe of string

    EmptyPipe func is raised when a function func is called with an invalid pipe.

  18. | EmptyHelp of string

    EmptyHelp func_preffix is raised when the function "help" is called with an argument func_preffix that matches no functions of the environment

  19. | Other

    Other is for an unknown error.

val kind : string
val pp : Format.formatter -> t -> unit

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