package acgtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type

A module that implements weight as the depth of a tree (the number of nodes does not matter. The smaller, the better

type w

The type of weight

val pp : Format.formatter -> w -> unit

pp fmt w pretty prints the weight w on the formatter fmt.

val init : w

an initial value for the weight (somehow a unit of the ring of weights)

val is_better : w -> w -> bool

is better w1 w2 returns true if w1 is strictly better (in the sense implemented by the module) than w2

val is_equal : w -> w -> bool

is better w1 w2 returns true if w1 = w2

val up : w -> 'a -> w

up w v returns the new weight computed from w and from v (the label of the current node, before moving up in the tree).

val down : w -> 'a -> w

down w v returns the new weight computed from w and from v (the label of the current node, before moving down in the tree).

val right : w -> 'a -> w

right w v returns the new weight computed from w and from v (the label parent node of the current node.

module WMap : sig ... end

This module implements a map from weights to lists of computational states of same weight.


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