package acgtk

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type t = {
  1. rules : Proto_Rule.t list;
  2. pred_table : Predicate.PredIdTable.table;
  3. const_table : ConstGen.Table.table;
  4. i_preds : Predicate.PredIds.t;
  5. rule_id_gen : UtilsLib.IdGenerator.IntIdGen.t;
  6. pred_to_rules : UtilsLib.Utils.IntSet.t Predicate.PredIdMap.t;
val empty : t

extension pred_table const_table id_gen returns an almost empty proto program. This almost empty proto program is meant to serve as extension of an actual program

val add_proto_rule : ((tables -> Predicate.predicate * tables) * (tables -> Predicate.predicate list * tables)) -> t -> t

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