package TCSLib

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type arg_type =
  1. | Unit of unit -> unit
  2. | Bool of bool -> unit
  3. | String of string -> unit
  4. | Int of int -> unit
  5. | Float of float -> unit
  6. | Option of (string * (unit -> unit)) list
  7. | Tuple of arg_type list
  8. | Multiple of int -> (int -> string) -> int
type category
type argument_item
type arguments_object
type args_exception_type =
  1. | ArgsUnknownArgument of string
  2. | ArgsCustomFailure of string
  3. | ArgsWrongParameter of argument_item * int * string * string
  4. | ArgsRequiredParameter of argument_item * int * string
  5. | ArgsRequiredArgument of argument_item
  6. | ArgsMultipleOccurrence of argument_item
exception ArgsException of args_exception_type
val new_object : string -> string -> bool -> string list -> arguments_object
val new_category : string -> string -> category
val argument_ident : argument_item -> string
val register_argument : arguments_object -> argument_item option -> bool -> bool -> category option -> string list -> string -> (unit -> string) -> arg_type -> argument_item
val format_arg_type : arg_type -> string
val format_exception : args_exception_type -> string
val error_function : arguments_object -> (string -> unit) -> args_exception_type -> unit
val help_function : arguments_object -> (string -> unit) -> int -> (int -> string) -> unit
val register_help_function : arguments_object -> string list -> string -> (unit -> string) -> (string -> unit) -> argument_item
val parse_arguments : arguments_object -> string array -> int -> unit
val parse_arguments_with_error : arguments_object -> string array -> int -> (args_exception_type -> unit) -> unit

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