package OCanren
Dune Dependency
The family of miniKanren derivatives has many implementations. This one is typed embedding to OCaml. The original implementation for this is in scheme and can be found at .
- disequality constraints
- relational standard library: lists, nats
Published: 14 Feb 2022
Branch master |
Table of Contents
is a strongly-typed embedding of relational programming language miniKanren into OCaml. Nowadays, the implementation of OCanren
strongly reminds faster-miniKanren. Previous implementation was based on microKanren with disequality constraints.
See installation instructions, API documentation for more details. The following README is currently being ported to sphinx engine, see intermediate results and Yue Li's OCanren tutorial there.
Check our template repository for OCanren projects for faster startup!
What is miniKanren
is an embedded language for constraint/logic/relational programming.
Prolog | miniKanren | OCanren (syntax 1) | OCanren (syntax 2) |
OCanren vs. miniKanren
The correspondence between original miniKanren and OCanren constructs is shown below:
miniKanren | OCanren |
#u |
success |
#f |
failure |
((==) a b) |
(a === b) |
((=/=) a b) |
(a =/= b) |
(conde (a b ...) (c d ...) ...) |
conde [a &&& b &&& ...; c &&& d &&& ...; ...] |
(fresh (x y ...) a b ... ) |
fresh (x y ...) a b ... |
In addition, OCanren introduces explicit disjunction (|||
) and conjunction (&&&
) operators for goals.
Injecting and Projecting User-Type Data
To make it possible to work with OCanren, user-type data have to be injected into logic domain. In the simplest case (non-parametric, non-recursive) the function
val inj : ('a, 'b) injected -> ('a, 'b logic) injected
val lift : 'a -> ('a, 'a) injected
can be used for this purpose:
inj @@ lift 1
inj @@ lift true
inj @@ lift "abc"
If the type is a (possibly recursive) algebraic type definition, then, as a rule, it has to be abstracted from itself, and then we can write smart constructor for constructing injected values,
type tree = Leaf | Node of tree * tree
is converted into
module T = struct
type 'self tree = Leaf | Node of 'self * 'self
let fmap f = function
| Leaf -> Leaf
| Node (l, r) -> Node (f l, f r)
include T
module F = Fmap2(T)
include F
let leaf () = inj @@ distrib @@ T.Leaf
let node b c = inj @@ distrib @@ T.Node (b,c)
Using fully abstract type we can construct type of ground
(without logic values) trees and type of logic trees
-- the trees that can contain logic variables inside.
Using this fully abstract type and a few OCanren builtins we can construct reification
procedure which translates ('a, 'b) injected
into it's right counterpart.
type gtree = gtree T.t
type ltree = ltree X.t logic
type ftree = (rtree, ltree) injected
Using another function reify
provided by the functor application we can translate (_, 'b) injected
values to 'b
val reify_tree : ftree -> ltree
let rec reify_tree eta = F.reify LNat.reify reify_tree eta
And using this function we can run query and get lazy stream of reified logic answers
let _: Tree.ltree RStream.t =
run q (fun q -> q === leaf ())
(fun qs -> qs#reify Tree.reify_tree)
Bool, Nat, List
There is some built-in support for a few basic types --- booleans, natural numbers in Peano form, logical lists. See corresponding modules.
The following table summarizes the correspondence between some expressions on regular lists and their OCanren counterparts:
Regular lists | OCanren |
[] |
nil |
[x] |
!< x |
[x; y] |
x %< y |
[x; y; z] |
x % (y %< z) |
x::y::z::tl |
x % (y % (z % tl)) |
x::xs |
x % xs |
Syntax Extensions
There are two constructs, implemented as syntax extensions: fresh
and defer
. The latter is used to eta-expand enclosed goal ("inverse-eta delay").
However, neither of them actually needed. Instead of defer (g)
manual expansion can be used:
(fun st -> Lazy.from_fun (fun () -> g st))
To get rid of fresh
one can use Fresh
module, which introduces variadic function support by means of a few predefined numerals and a successor function. For example, instead of
fresh (x y z) g
one can write
Fresh.three (fun x y z -> g)
or even
(Fresh.succ Fresh.two) (fun x y z -> g)
The top-level primitive in OCanren is run
, which can be used in the following pattern:
run n (fun q1 q2 ... qn -> g) (fun a1 a2 ... an -> h)
Here n
stands for numeral (some value, describing the number of arguments, q1
, q2
, ..., qn
--- free logic variables, a1
, a2
, ..., an
--- streams of answers for q1
, q2
, ..., qn
respectively, g
--- some goal, h
--- a handler (some piece of code, presumable making use of a1
, a2
, ..., an
There are a few predefined numerals (q
, qr
, qrs
, qrst
etc.) and a successor function, succ
, which can be used to "manufacture" greater numerals from smaller ones.
We consider here a complete example of OCanren specification (relational binary search tree):
open Printf
open GT
open OCanren
open OCanren.Std
module Tree = struct
module X = struct
(* Abstracted type for the tree *)
@type ('a, 'self) t = Leaf | Node of 'a * 'self * 'self with gmap,show;;
let fmap eta = GT.gmap t eta
include X
include Fmap2(X)
@type inttree = (int, inttree) X.t with show
(* A shortcut for "ground" tree we're going to work with in "functional" code *)
@type rtree = (LNat.ground, rtree) X.t with show
(* Logic counterpart *)
@type ltree = (LNat.logic, ltree) X.t logic with show
type ftree = (rtree, ltree) injected
let leaf () : ftree = inj @@ distrib @@ X.Leaf
let node a b c : ftree = inj @@ distrib @@ X.Node (a,b,c)
(* Injection *)
let rec inj_tree : inttree -> ftree = fun tree ->
inj @@ distrib @@ GT.(gmap t nat inj_tree tree)
(* Projection *)
let rec prj_tree : rtree -> inttree =
fun x -> GT.(gmap t) LNat.to_int prj_tree x
open Tree
(* Relational insert into a search tree *)
let rec inserto a t' t'' = conde [
(t' === leaf ()) &&& (t'' === node a (leaf ()) (leaf ()) );
fresh (x l r l')
(t' === node x l r)
Nat.(conde [
(t'' === t') &&& (a === x);
(t'' === (node x l' r )) &&& (a < x) &&& (inserto a l l');
(t'' === (node x l l' )) &&& (a > x) &&& (inserto a r l')
(* Top-level wrapper for insertion --- takes and returns non-logic data *)
let insert : int -> inttree -> inttree = fun a t ->
prj_tree @@ RStream.hd @@
run q (fun q -> inserto (nat a) (inj_tree t) q)
(fun qs -> qs#prj)
(* Top-level wrapper for "inverse" insertion --- returns an integer, which
has to be inserted to convert t into t' *)
let insert' t t' =
LNat.to_int @@ RStream.hd @@
run q (fun q -> inserto q (inj_tree t) (inj_tree t'))
(fun qs -> qs#prj)
(* Entry point *)
let _ =
let insert_list l =
let rec inner t = function
| [] -> t
| x::xs ->
let t' = insert x t in
printf "Inserting %d into %s makes %s\n%!" x (show_inttree t) (show_inttree t');
inner t' xs
inner Leaf l
ignore @@ insert_list [1; 2; 3; 4];
let t = insert_list [3; 2; 4; 1] in
let t' = insert 8 t in
Printf.printf "Inverse insert: %d\n" @@ insert' t t'
Camlp5 syntax extensions
A few syntax extensions are used in this project.
For testing we use the one from logger-p5
opam package. It allows to convert OCaml expression to its string form. For example, it rewrites let _ = REPR(1+2)
$ camlp5o `ocamlfind query logger`/pa_log.cmo pr_o.cmo
let _ = "1 + 2", 1 + 2
For OCanren itself we use syntax extension to simplify writing relational programs
$ cat
let _ = fresh (x) z
$ camlp5o _build/camlp5/pa_ocanren.cmo pr_o.cmo
let _ = (fun x -> delay (fun () -> z))
PPX syntax extensions
PPX syntax extensions are not related to camlp5 and should be used, for example, if you want decent IDE support. Main extensions are compilable by make ppx
An analogue for logger library is called ppx_repr
$ cat regression_ppx/
let _ = REPR(1+2)
$ ./pp_repr.native regression_ppx/
let _ = ("1 + 2", (1 + 2))
$ ./pp_repr.native -print-transformations
An OCanren-specific syntax extension includes both ppx_repr
and extension for creating fresh variables
$ cat
let _ = fresh (x) z
$ ./pp_ocanren_all.native
let _ = (fun x -> delay (fun () -> z))
$ ./pp_ocanren_all.native -print-transformations
There also syntax extensions for simplifyng developing data type for OCanren but they are not fully documented.
Installation via Opam
For newcomers is recommend to install using OCaml PAckage Manager (opam). You can install OCanren from opam via
opam install OCanren
or pin the latest development version
opam pin add OCanren --dev-repo
Building from sources
This section contains instructions on how to build OCanren from sources and how to build and run tests. This part of README is very often lagging behind actual situation. Look into CI logs for absolutely up-to-date and correct instructions.
Building the library
OCanren uses standard for OCaml package manager called Opam.
opam pin add . --yes --no-action
to pin OCanrenTo install depexts (dependecies from your system package manager)
opam install opam-depext --yes opam depext OCanren --yes --with-test
OCanren uses dune build system. In order to build the library only, type dune build src
(alternatively, use make lib
, which is a shortcut for the previous command).
You can build only the bytecode version of the library by dune build src/OCanren.cma
or only the native version by dune build src/OCanren.cmxa
Building the syntax extensions
The ppx
syntax extensions can be built by the command dune build ppx ppxnew
(or make ppx
The camlp5
syntax extensions is built by the command dune build camlp5
(or make syntax
Building and running tests
To build all tests type dune build regression
(or make test
In order to build the single test use dune build regression/testname.exe
Tests can be run via the custom script
. This script builds the given test, runs it, saves its output to the file regression/testname.log
and compares it to the expected output from the regression/orig/testname.orig
file. In case of the mismatch it will save the diff of two files into regression/testname.diff
To run all tests type (while in the root folder of the project) ./ all
(or, alternatively, make test
). In order to run the single test type ./ testname
where testname
is the name of one of the tests from the regression
folder. E.g. ./ test000
will build and run regression/test000.exe
producing files regression/test000.log
and regression/test000.diff
It is possible to promote the output of the test and make it the new 'original'. In order to do that type ./ --promote testname
. This command will copy the content of the regression/testname.log
file into regression/orig/testname.orig
. In order to promote all tests, use ./ --promote all
(or make promote
To remove all *.log
and *.diff
files use make clean-test
Building and running samples
To build samples type dune build samples
(or make samples
). To build the single sample type dune build samples/prog.exe
where prog
is the name of the sample. Samples can be run via dune exec samples/prog.exe
(e.g. dune exec samples/tree.exe
Also, the output of the sample can be compared to the expected one (and promoted) by the script ./
(e.g. ./ tree
will run the sample tree.exe
and compare its output against samples/orig/tree.orig
Building documentation
The latest API documentation can be found here.
Camlp5 8.x requries extra library pa_ppx.doc
to build documentation. To get it you need:
Install additional library:
opam install pa_ppx
Set the environment variable
which will be detected and it will alter compilation build documentation too.Run
dune build @doc
More info
See samples in /regression
and /samples
Dependencies (9)
>= "1.1"
- ppx_inline_test
>= "0.5"
- logger-p5
>= "8.00.02"
- ocamlfind
- dune-configurator
>= "4.10"
>= "2.8"
Dev Dependencies (3)
with-test & <= "0.20"
Used by (2)
>= "0.3.0~alpha1"
= "0.3.0~alpha1"