package KaSim

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type snapshot = {
  1. snapshot_file : string;
  2. snapshot_event : int;
  3. snapshot_time : float;
  4. snapshot_agents : (int * User_graph.connected_component) list;
  5. snapshot_tokens : (string * Nbr.t) array;
type din_data = {
  1. din_name : string;
  2. din_kind : Primitives.din_kind;
  3. din_start : float;
  4. din_hits : int array;
  5. din_fluxs : float array array;
type din = {
  1. din_rules : string array;
  2. din_data : din_data;
  3. din_end : float;
type file_line = {
  1. file_line_name : string option;
  2. file_line_text : string;
type t =
  1. | DIN of din
  2. | DeltaActivities of int * (int * (float * float)) list
  3. | Plot of Nbr.t array
  4. | Print of file_line
  5. | TraceStep of Trace.step
  6. | Snapshot of snapshot
  7. | Log of string
  8. | Species of string * float * User_graph.connected_component
val print_snapshot : ?uuid:int -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> snapshot -> unit
val print_dot_snapshot : ?uuid:int -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> snapshot -> unit
val write_snapshot : Bi_outbuf.t -> snapshot -> unit
val string_of_snapshot : ?len:int -> snapshot -> string
val read_snapshot : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> snapshot
val snapshot_of_string : string -> snapshot
val print_dot_din : ?uuid:int -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> din -> unit
val print_html_din : Stdlib.Format.formatter -> din -> unit
val write_din : Bi_outbuf.t -> din -> unit
val string_of_din : ?len:int -> din -> string
val read_din : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> din
val din_of_string : string -> din
type plot = {
  1. plot_legend : string array;
  2. plot_series : float option array list;
val add_plot_line : Nbr.t array -> plot -> plot
val init_plot : Model.t -> plot
val write_plot : Bi_outbuf.t -> plot -> unit
val string_of_plot : ?len:int -> plot -> string
val read_plot : Yojson.Safe.lexer_state -> Stdlib.Lexing.lexbuf -> plot
val plot_of_string : string -> plot
val print_plot_legend : is_tsv:bool -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> string array -> unit
val print_plot_line : is_tsv:bool -> (Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Stdlib.Format.formatter -> 'a array -> unit
val export_plot : is_tsv:bool -> plot -> string

Innovation. Community. Security.