Module type
Class type
Module type
Class type
* FrontC is an OCAML library providing facilities for parsing source file * in C language. * * Although it is designed for parsing ANSI C, it provides also support for * old K&R C style and for some GCC extensions. * * It provides also a limited degraded mode allowing to parse file although * all type information is not available and preprocessor directives are still * in the source. * *
type parsing_arg =
Parse the standard input.
*)| FROM_CHANNEL of in_channel
Parse the given channel.
*)| FROM_FILE of string
Parse the given file.
Use the C preprocessor.
*)| PREPROC of string
Path to the preprocessor.
*)| DEF of string
Pass this definition to CPP.
*)| UNDEF of string
Undefine the given symbol for CPP.
*)| INCLUDE of string
Include the given file by the CPP.
*)| INCLUDE_DIR of string
Use the given directory for retrieving includes.
*)| OPTION of string
Pass the given option directl to the CPP.
*)| ERROR of out_channel
Use the given channel for outputting errors.
*)| INTERACTIVE of bool
Is this session interactive (from console).
*)| GCC_SUPPORT of bool
Support some extensions of the GCC compiler (default to true).
*)| LINE_RECORD of bool
Record line numbers in the C abstract trees (default to false).
*)* Parameters for building the reader handler.
type parsing_result =
Parsing failure. Error outputted.
*)| PARSING_OK of Cabs.definition list
Success. Return list of read definitions.
*)* Result of a parsing.
val trans_old_fun_def :
(Cabs.single_name * Cabs.name_group list * Cabs.body) ->
* Transform an old K&R C function definition into a new ANSI one. *
val trans_old_fun_defs : Cabs.definition list -> Cabs.definition list
* Transform all old function definition into new ones. *
val convert_to_xml : Cabs.definition list -> Cxml.document
* Convert the given C file abstract repersentation into XML. *
val parse : parsing_arg list -> parsing_result
val parse_interactive : in_channel -> out_channel -> parsing_result
* Parse the input channel in interactive way, that is, as coming from the * console. Error are displayed in a specific way. *
val parse_console : 'a -> parsing_result
* Parse the C source from the console. It exactly equals to * "parse_interactive stdin stderr". *
val parse_channel : in_channel -> out_channel -> parsing_result
* Parse the C source from a non-interactive channel. It may be useful when * the source come from a piped channel from the C preprocessor, for example.* *
val parse_file : string -> out_channel -> parsing_result
* Parse a C source passed as a file path. *