package FrontC

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
type attr = string * string
type node =
  1. | TEXT of string
  2. | COM of string
  3. | PI of string * string
  4. | ELT of string * attr list * node list
type document = {
  1. version : string;
  2. encoding : string;
  3. standalone : bool;
  4. element : node;
val new_simple_doc : node -> document
val new_doc : string -> string -> bool -> node -> document
val new_attr : string -> string -> attr
val new_elt : string -> attr list -> node list -> node
val new_text : string -> node
val add_children : node -> node list -> node
val escape_attr : string -> char -> string
val output_attr : out_channel -> (string * string) -> unit
val output_node : out_channel -> string -> node -> unit
val output_doc : out_channel -> document -> unit
val output : document -> unit
val output_file : string -> document -> unit

Innovation. Community. Security.