package DAGaml

  1. Overview
  2. Docs
Module type
Class type


module OS : OOPS.MSig


module GO : sig ... end
val import : 's IoTypes.expr -> OS.t -> 's GO.system
type state =
  1. | Input of int
  2. | Expr of int Expr.expr
  3. | Term of OS.f
  4. | FTerm
  5. | Erased
type block = {
  1. mutable state : state;
  2. mutable noutput : int;
  3. mutable fterm : OS.F.f' option;
  4. is_input : bool;
  5. is_output : bool;
val force_archive : bool
val fterm_memory_limit : int ref
type billard = {
  1. ninputs : int;
  2. mutable man : OS.t;
  3. blocks : block array;
  4. time0 : float;
  5. mutable top_ftermed : int;
  6. mutable ftermed : int;
type !'s billard_system = ('s, billard, int) IoTypes.system
val billard_stats : billard -> string
val billard_create : int -> int -> int array -> bool array -> bool array -> ('a * int Expr.expr) array -> float -> billard
val billard_clear : billard -> unit
val billard_get_var_intern : billard -> int -> OS.f
val billard_get_var_extern : billard -> OS.t -> int -> OS.f
val billard_eval_expr : billard -> int Expr.expr -> OS.f
val billard_cleaning_process : ?normalize:bool -> billard -> int -> unit
val billard_check : billard -> bool
val billard_fterm_process : billard -> int -> unit
val billard_compute : 's IoTypes.expr -> 's billard_system
val compute_smart : ?man0:OS.t -> 's IoTypes.expr -> 's GO.system
val billard_tof_vanilla : 's GuaCaml.Io.ToF.t -> out_channel -> 's billard_system -> unit
val billard_tof_combine : 's GuaCaml.Io.ToF.t -> out_channel -> 's billard_system -> unit
val billard_tof : 's GuaCaml.Io.ToF.t -> out_channel -> 's billard_system -> unit
val compute_to_file : 's GuaCaml.Io.ToF.t -> 's IoTypes.expr -> string -> unit
val import_smart : 's IoTypes.expr -> OS.t -> 's GO.system
val pure_of_expr : ?out_list:bool -> ?smart:bool -> string IoTypes.expr -> string -> unit
val pure_of_verilog : ?out_list:bool -> ?smart:bool -> string -> string -> unit
val pure_of_pla : ?out_list:bool -> ?smart:bool -> string -> string -> unit
val pure_of_cnf : ?out_list:bool -> ?smart:bool -> string -> string -> unit
val ldd_of_expr : ?out_list:bool -> ?smart:bool -> string IoTypes.expr -> string GO.system