OCaml 5 With Multicore Support Is Here!

It's here! It's finally here! On Friday, 16 December 2022, the OCaml community announced the official release of Multicore OCaml! From the…

19 Dec 2022


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WebAssembly/Wasm and OCaml

In this first post about WebAssembly (Wasm) and OCaml, we introduce the work we have been doing for quite some time now, though without publicity, about our participation in the Garbage-Collection (GC) Working Group for Wasm, and two related development projects in OCaml. WebAssembly, a fast and por...

14 Dec 2022


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Hillingar: MirageOS Unikernels on NixOS

NixOS allows reproducible deployments of systems by managing configuration declaratively. MirageOS is a unikernel creation framework that…

14 Dec 2022


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Accelerating zk-SNARKs - MSM and NTT algorithms on FPGAs with Hardcaml

In 2022 a consortium of companies ran an international competition,called the ZPrize, to advance the state ofthe art in “zero-knowledge” cryptography. We dec...

07 Dec 2022

Jane Street Tech Blog

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OCaml 5 Release Candidate Now Available!

We're in the home stretch for the full OCaml 5 release. Multicore is almost here! Yesterday its Release Candidate (RC) was announced on the…

07 Dec 2022


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OCaml 5 Beta2 Release

Just about a month after the OCaml 5 Beta release, the OCaml 5 Beta2 version has been released, taking us one step closer to the full OCaml…

29 Nov 2022


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