Outreachy Presentations for the May 2022 Round

The OCaml community participated in the May 2022 round of [Outreachy](https://www.outreachy.org/) internships. Two interns worked on a range of projects including Multicore OCaml benchmarks and TopoJSON parsing libraries. This meeting was an op...

07 Mar 2023

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Outreachy Presentations for the December 2022 Round

The OCaml community participated in the December 2022 round of [Outreachy](https://www.outreachy.org/) internships. We had one intern work on a TopoJSON parsing library. This meeting was an opportunity for the interns to present their work and ...

07 Mar 2023

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Introduction to Eio by Thomas Leonard

This talk introduces the Eio library, a replacement for Lwt that uses the new effects and multicore features in OCaml 5. It was an internal tech talk given at Tarides, but we later decided to share it more widely.

03 Mar 2023

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The Journey to OCaml Multicore: Bringing Big Ideas to Life

Continuing our blog series on Multicore OCaml, this blog provides an overview of the road to OCaml Multicore. If you want to know how you…

02 Mar 2023


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