Oxidizing OCaml: Locality

Coming from OCaml, the Rust programming language has many appealingfeatures. Rust’s system for tracking lifetime and ownership allowsusers to safely express...

26 May 2023

Jane Street Tech Blog

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For those who just don’t Git it

Pierre-Étienne Meunier, creator and lead developer of open-source version control system Pijul, joins the home team to talk about version control, functional programming, and why OCaml is a source of French national pride.

23 May 2023

Stack Overflow Blog

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Elegance in OCaml with TJ DeVries

Lane and TJ DeVries chat about OCaml and why functional programming can result in more elegant and readable code. TJ is a core maintainer of NeoVim and explains how contributing to open source has had a huge positive impact on his coding career.

15 May 2023

Backend Banter

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