Kcas: Building a Lock-Free STM for OCaml (2/2)

This is the follow-up post continuing the discussion of the development of Kcas. Part 1 discussed the development done on the library to…

10 Aug 2023


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Kcas: Building a lock-free STM for OCaml (1/2)

In the past few months I've had the pleasure of working on the Kcas library. In this and a follow-up post, I will discuss the history and…

07 Aug 2023


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Outreachy Mid-Point Progress

A report on the progress made so far during this internship period.

04 Aug 2023

Abongwa Bonalais

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OBuilder on macOS

Introduction The CI team at Tarides provides critical infrastucture to support the OCaml community. At the heart of that infrastructure is…

02 Aug 2023


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OCaml in Space - Welcome SpaceOS!

Our mission is to build sustainable and secure software infrastructure that will not only work for decades but also positively impact the…

31 Jul 2023


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OCaml behind the scenes: Exceptions

In this talk, Fabrice Buoro explained what happens at the deepest level when your OCaml program raises or catches an exception. This inside knowledge will lead to a number of takeaways for best per...

27 Jul 2023

Watch OCaml

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Reflections on the MirageOS Retreat in Morocco

Introduction Since we are a hybrid remote and distributed company, everyone at Tarides knows first-hand how important in-person retreats are…

27 Jul 2023


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