Bilingual "hello world"

Here is a fun (and slightly useless) hack: #cd "." (* echo "Hello world" <<"OCAMLCODE_END" *) let () = print_endline "Bonjour le monde" (...

28 Nov 2007

Till Varoquaux

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21 Nov 2007

David Baelde

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18 Jul 2007

David Baelde

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Preserving atomicity in IO operations

[Updated 26/07/07: unwind_protect now captures less variables.] There are a bunch of operation that must be executed in pairs, for ins...

24 Jun 2007

Till Varoquaux

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Phun with phantom types!!

Phantom types are a nifty trick: types are used to store additional information during the type-checking pass. These types have no implement...

03 Jun 2007

Till Varoquaux

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