Playing with .annot files

New commands are available in the OCaml mode of Chamo. They use the .annot files generated by ocamlc. Here is a list of these commands. Def...

21 Jan 2010

Cameleon news

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I love Emacs. I’ve been using it ever since I took my first programming language theory class in college. I had played around with it before then, but it took my professor’s recommendat…

19 Jan 2010

Mike McClurg

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Automating Mathematical Program Transformations

Abstract Mathematical programs (MPs) are a class of constrained optimization problems that include linear, mixed-integer, and disjunctive programs. Strategies for solving MPs rely heavily on variou...

18 Jan 2010

Ashish Agarwal

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camljava for recent JVMs

01 Dec 2009

Stefano Zacchiroli

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ocaml-autoconf 1.1

12 Oct 2009

Stefano Zacchiroli

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