FP-Syd #27.

21 Aug 2010

Erik de Castro Lopo

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Mixing monadic and direct-style code with delimited continuations

The Lwt library is a really nice way to write concurrent programs. A big downside, however, is that you can’t use direct-style libraries wi...

21 Aug 2010

Jake Donham

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Reading Camlp4, part 10: custom lexers

As a final modification to our running JSON quotation example, I want to repair a problem noted in the first post —that the default lexer do...

13 Aug 2010

Jake Donham

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Reading Camlp4, part 9: implementing antiquotations

In this post I want to complicate the JSON quotation library from the previous post by adding antiquotations. AST with antiquotations I...

06 Aug 2010

Jake Donham

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From Gedit to Geany.

04 Aug 2010

Erik de Castro Lopo

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