Logic programming in Scala, part 3: unification and state

In this post I want to build on the backtracking logic monad we covered last time by adding unification , yielding an embedded DSL for Prol...

09 Jun 2011

Jake Donham

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Listing Opa applications

Short update The opalang website now lists applications developed in Opa (registration required – part of the closed preview). If you are developing an application in Opa, please consider sub…

07 Jun 2011

David Teller

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OCaml Cheat Sheets

When you are beginning in a new programming language, it is sometimes helpful to have an overview of the documentation, that you can pin on your wall and easily have a look at it while you are programming. Since we couldn’t find such Cheat Sheets, we decided to start writting our own cheat sheets ...

03 Jun 2011


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Crowdsourcing the syntax

Feedback from Opa testers suggests that we can improve the syntax and make it easier for developers new to Opa to read and write code. We have spent some time both inside the Opa team and with the …

30 May 2011

David Teller

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Cmdliner 0.9.0

27 May 2011

Daniel Bünzli

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A few Opa applications

A few open-source Opa applications, written by beta testers or Opa team members, have been open-sourced in the past few days. Expect a few other releases in the upcoming days/weeks: OpaChat –…

24 May 2011

David Teller

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Unbreaking Scalable Web Development, One Loc at a Time

The Opa platform was created to address the problem of developing secure, scalable web applications. Opa is a commercially supported open-source programming language designed for web, concurrency, …

23 May 2011

David Teller

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OCaml 32bits longval

You will need OCaml 3.11.2 installed on a i686 linux computer. The archive contains: libcamlrun-linux-i686.a ocamlrun-linux-i686 Makefile README The Makefile has two targets: sudo make install will save /usr/bin/ocamlrun and /usr/lib/ocaml/libcamlrun.a in the current directory and replace them with ...

06 May 2011


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