Eighteen Million Noises

Update: Here is the PNGPack source-code archive: Per second. Yes, it's benchmark time. I pitted Prof. Perlin's original implementation ...

11 Jan 2012

Matías Giovannini

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Putting Noise to the Test

So how do you use Perlin's Simplex Noise ? By using the GIF encoder , of course! I generated the test image shown in the last post: with a...

09 Jan 2012

Matías Giovannini

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Perlin's Simplex Noise

Graphics pioneer Ken Perlin is well-known for his work on procedural generation of textures. Recently he rewrote his classic Noise algorithm...

06 Jan 2012

Matías Giovannini

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(One by) Four by Nine

The four nines puzzle asks which positive numbers can be obtained from arithmetic expressions involving four "9" digits and an assortment ...

30 Dec 2011

Matías Giovannini

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Vose's Alias Method

This is a note regarding the implementation of Vose's Method to construct the alias tables for non-uniform discrete probability sampling pr...

29 Dec 2011

Matías Giovannini

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A Better (Gauss) Error Function

If you do statistics you know of erf and erfc ; if you work in OCaml you surely miss them. It is not very difficult to port the canonical i...

21 Dec 2011

Matías Giovannini

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What's in an ADT ?

14 Dec 2011

Etienne Millon

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