2D Interpolation, Part 5: Final Optimizations

The code has now the proper shape to carry out optimizations to their logical consequences, to the point that I question the wisdom in some...

29 Jun 2012

Matías Giovannini

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2D Interpolation, Part 4: ARGB Interpolation

After linearizing all array accesses , interpolating ARGB values is easy from the algorithmic side of things; so easy things first. I'll han...

28 Jun 2012

Matías Giovannini

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2D Interpolation, Part 3: Linear Array Accesses

Last time I've hoisted all accesses to the source array. This opens the door to being able to process linear arrays representing a matrix i...

27 Jun 2012

Matías Giovannini

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2D Interpolation, Part 2: Minimizing Array Accesses

Last time I massaged the interpolator to avoid computing every time the linear transformation from destination space to source space, using...

26 Jun 2012

Matías Giovannini

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2D Interpolation, Part 1: The Digital Differential Analyzer

To my Planet OCaml readers, I apologize for veering into Java. I've been playing with Processing of lately, because it's far easier to proto...

25 Jun 2012

Matías Giovannini

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2D Interpolation, Part 0: The Groundwork

(First of a series) My process for going from a textbook implementation of an algorithm to an efficient production-grade version of it is t...

22 Jun 2012

Matías Giovannini

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Quick histograms

Having come back to actively working on OCI*ML recently, it’s time I cracked on with some more features (I have been promising LOBs for a long time, sorry to anyone who’s still waiting)…

15 Jun 2012

Gaius Hammond

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xavierbot lives!

Or at least he now has his own git repository.

13 Jun 2012

Richard Jones

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OCaml 4 beta

OCaml 4 beta 2 has been released, and so I quickly tested OCI*ML with it. Only a couple of minor tweaks were necessary, due to the following changes: Some .cmi for toplevel internals that used to b…

07 Jun 2012

Gaius Hammond

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Jsonm 0.9.0

05 May 2012

Daniel Bünzli

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