OCaml Design Pattern: Easy functorization refactoring for unit testing

I’ve recently stumbled upon a useful OCaml design pattern for functorizing an existing module, without changing the way existing clients of that module use it. This is really useful for stubb…

18 Dec 2012

Mike McClurg

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Fan, A langugage to implement languages (I)

This will be a series of blogs introducing a new programming language Fan. Fan is OCamlPlus, it provides all features what OCaml provides and a language to manipulate programs. I am also seeking co…

13 Nov 2012

Hong bo Zhang

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Getting started with Go and Juju

So this title probably doesn’t even parse correctly if you haven’t heard of Google’s Go language our Ubuntu’s Juju service orchestration software. I’ve been toying wit…

05 Nov 2012

Mike McClurg

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How to Write a Simple Web Application Using Ocamlnet

This post might seem to be in apparent contradiction: Ocamlnet is a large, very opinionated framework for network programming that solves m...

25 Oct 2012

Matías Giovannini

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